圆容 发表于 2016-9-14 07:00

《旅途脚印》| 失败——索达吉堪布

失败 | On Failure世间的人,不管是市井白丁还是朝廷命官,人人都希望为一己之利而拼搏。凡事务求一帆
People in the world, be they illiterate hillbillies or government luminaries, all eagerly strive to
fulfill their own interests. When doing anything, they want nothing but smooth sailing and
cannot bear the tiniest setbacks. But in fact, failure is not necessarily without merit. There is this
Misfortune, that is where happiness depends;
Happiness, that is where misfortune underlies.
The contemporary eminent Chinese Buddhist monk Hong Yi was extremely gifted in poetry, ci
(verse), painting, calligraphy, seal cutting, music, drama, and literature. He has also mentored a
number of celebrated artists such as Feng Zikai and the musician Liu Zhiping. Master Hong Yi had
a carefree and elegant bearing and his achievement in arts and letters was unsurpassed in his
time. After he chose to be ordained as a monk, he studied unremittingly Buddha’s teachings and
abided the sparing fare of no food after midday. He dedicated himself particularly to Vinaya
pitaka and is revered as the 11th lineage holder of the Vinaya School. He has left a rich spiritual
legacy for future generations; in China, he stood out as a model figure whose life underwent a
transformation from utter glory to utmost humbleness.
He wrote in Dreams of 10 Years in Minnan: “I have a rather peculiar mindset these days: I only
wish for failure in the things I do. It is because failure and imperfection can make me feel humble
and abashed. Only then will I see my own inadequacies and lack of qualities, and strive to correct
myself for the better. Whatever I do, I invariably hope I will fail; failure teaches me humility.
Should I become successful, I might be puffed up with arrogance, which would be disastrous!”
This passage is my favorite to memorize, as the master’s unconventional way of thinking reveals
his extraordinary realization and modesty.
One of the most profound teachings of the Omniscient Longchenpa in The Precious Treasury of
Pith Instructions is: “One must cut off self-clinging and choose failure always.” Langri Tangpa also
left the teaching:
May I take upon myself the defeat
And offer to others the victory.
These teachings are fortunate coincidences with what Master Hong Yi has to say. The prowess of
a truly brave man, after all, lies in his capacity to be unafraid of failure and willingly embrace
关于如何面对失败,世间也积累了不少以辨证的眼光看问题的格言,如 “塞翁失马,焉知
There are many proverbs in the world on how to face failure squarely. Many are the fruition of
valid analyses, such as: “When the old man lost his mare, who could have guessed it was a
blessing in disguise? A loss may well turn out to be a gain,” and, “In adversity, we thrive; in
comfort, we perish.” Many people also appreciate that a convoluted path is bound to provide
some kind of reward. Writer Ruo Lan once said: “In life, every step we take brings the experience
of that one step. This has nothing to do with whether the step is right or wrong. The ‘right’ one
yields the right reward. The ‘wrong’ one presents lessons from being wrong. Taking the longer
route or walking on the wrong path is just like being lost in the deep mountains. While people
are worrying and bemoaning your safety, you hit the opportunity to collect rare flowers and
berries, and you spot exceptional birds and animals. In addition, having to cover the extra
distance, you have cultivated extra courage and tenacity.”
If we face failure bravely, we shall come to enjoy its sweet taste.
20th of February, Year of RenWu
April 2, 2002
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