圆容 发表于 2016-9-28 18:56

《旅途脚印》| 厌世——索达吉堪布

厌世 | Becoming Disenchanted真正的修行人应一心向佛,厌弃世法。否则,要想成功简直是白日做梦。
Genuine spiritual seekers should turn their mind wholeheartedly to the Dharma and renounce
secular affairs. Otherwise, wishing to be successful in spiritual practice is just daydreaming.
Bodhisattva Thogme Zangpo maintained his long-term retreat in an isolated hermitage; many
visitors seeking his audience or teachings found themselves on the wrong side of the door. He
posted a note outside his retreat hut that read: “Between the sublime path and the secular
world, there is no way to accommodate both; should one claim it is doable, it is for certain a self-
deception. Even if we meet face to face, there are no other words I could impart to you. May we
all strive diligently to practice the Dharma!”
。我们应当舍弃世间法。” 《发起菩萨殊胜志乐经》中也云:“弥勒,我不说言,爱言说
Sakya Pandita says: “If one strives for success and prosperity of this life and at the same time
wishes to attain the ultimate happiness, one is foolish and reckless. We should abandon secular
affairs.” In The Sutra of Arousing the Supreme Motivation of the Bodhisattvas it says: “Maitreya, I
will never agree that vociferous people can effectively focus their minds, nor do I approve of the
saying that no harm is done to the Doctrines by getting involved in secular matters.”
The Gateway to Practice describes how Master Tsongkhapa once had a vision of Bodhisattva
Manjusri, who imparted to him a golden instruction: “Unless one has developed an utter disgust
toward samsara in the first place, all his efforts in studying, reflection, and meditation will not
free him from samsara and the lower realms. Therefore, one should put away the profound
practices, such as those on generation and completion phases, on high shelves for the moment.
Instead, work intensely on cultivating disenchantment until it has arisen fully in the mind.”
Some may wonder: Isn’t there a famous saying like the following:
The Kingdom of Buddha is in this world, within which enlightenment is to be sought.
To seek enlightenment beyond this world is as absurd as to search for a rabbit’s horn.
Buddhists’ practice shouldn’t be in conflict with worldly activities, should it?
In fact, this saying has two levels of meaning. On one level, it is an expedient way to guide those
new to Buddhism, to suit their unwillingness to let go of this world. On the other level, it speaks
directly of the non-dual minds or the activities of realized sages.
As ordinary beings, we should keep our feet firmly on the ground and stay away from
distractions. The scripture says: “Whoever overcomes indolence, keeps away from distractions
and always feels contented in solitude will attain liberation.”
Illusory fame and flimsy prosperity are as seductive as wine but even more potent. They make
the mind dead drunk, becoming incapable of awakening. Do not be tricked by the wine god
Dionysus and intoxicated with worldly renown and wealth. Hold onto your own principles!
25th of February, Year of RenWu
April 7, 2002
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