圆容 发表于 2016-12-7 22:14

《旅途脚印》| 忠告——索达吉堪布

忠告 | Sincere Counsel如果有些修行人,在寂静山林中修行,我们应尽量提供方便、帮助和安慰,使之千万不要
If we happen to know someone is doing spiritual practices in deep mountain woods, we should
try our best to offer provisions, help, and encouragement, such that the practitioner doesn’t ever
think to cut short the retreat. This kind of support is not only in great need but also most
meritorious. The virtue of offering to practitioners is unfathomable to ordinary minds. On the
other hand, the consequences of creating obstacles to them are equally unimaginable.
Once there were a mountain hare and a practitioner in the high mountains. At one time a
drought befell the area for a long period; parched, the practitioner was forced to prepare to
leave his retreat and head for the village. Learning this, the mountain hare tried very hard to stop
the practitioner, but to no avail whatsoever. In the end, the hare resorted to jumping into a
flaming pit, declaring to him the advantages of a place of solitude versus the drawbacks of the
village. The practitioner was so moved by the hare that he decided to stay put. Eventually, he
attained accomplishment.
Compared with this mountain hare, ordinary people are usually nowhere close. Isn’t it
embarrassing! Even if we are unable to offer the necessary provisions for practitioners, we
should, by all means, not create any obstacles.
As for practitioners, it should be understood that by dint of concerted effort, difficulties could be
overcome, no matter how great they may prove to be. Geshe Potowa has taught:
After a nine-day snow blizzard, the skylarks can still find a place to hide for safety. Likewise, even
when the whole country is in turmoil and the Dharma is degenerating, by tenacious study and
striving, one is bound to find a niche conducive to spiritual practice.
Obstacles usually are the presages of accomplishment. Do not blame outward circumstances;
reflect inward instead.
5th of March, Year of RenWu
April 17, 2002
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