shores12345 发表于 2019-9-3 10:03


Ever wanted to know what jobs attract the biggest salaries in New Zealand?
看下图,常被大家讥笑的程序猿们所在的IT工作领域最能捞着钱,其次是健康医药行业,建筑工程... 。所以来新西兰读书的孩子们,请不要再千篇一律读商科了好吗?

'fat' or 'thin'?
If you’re dreaming of a fatter pay packet, you’d be best placed to get one if you work in Information & Communication Technology (ICT). In fact, 17.7% of all $200K+ jobs advertised on SEEK are in ICT. Healthcare & Medical and Construction make up the top three industries and together with ICT account for just under half of all jobs offering $200K+.

'fat' 这个单词,除了一贯的 '肥',这里来形容鼓鼓的钱包,in a good way。
如果你加薪了,还不少的话,可以这样得瑟:I just got a fat pay raise.
Pharmaceutical industry gets high on fat profits.
同样的,‘fat' 有基于'胖'以外的延伸表达 (财力/利润雄厚),'thin' 也有除了'瘦' 以外的表达, '财力/利润/证据单薄'。
"I don't feel like taking on that project, the profit is far too thin."
I am both literally thin and financially thin.
比如我们做移民案子的,通过配偶担保申请签证的时候,我们告诉客户your partnershi pevidence is too thin to convince INZ, 就是证据不够充分.
We’ve also identified the top 10 roles paying more than $200,000 in New Zealand. Mirroring the results of the highest paying industries we see ICT, Healthcare & Medical and Construction dominating the top ten list. ICT Management roles account for 6.4% of the total $200K+ jobs on SEEK and Management roles in Salesround out the top 10 list at 2% (雅思学术类小作文可参考加灰的表达方式).
'mirror' 做名词是 '镜子' ,做动词有 '反映,reflect'的意思。
The book inevitably mirrors my own interests and experiences.
Her shock was mirrored on her face.

例句中 'Mirroring the results of the highest paying industries we see ...' 中的 'mirroring' 也就相当于 'based on' 。
学会这些简单的单词的不简单用法,你就会成为一个 intellectually fat person.

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