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《旅途脚印》| 功德——索达吉堪布









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功德 | Meritorious Activities
. g5 \  ~+ O& A3 V, [; w) l* P: S
4 @- r  T. P2 ?6 Z4 W
一提起功德,无论是否信佛,只要心地善良之人都喜欢做。比如到寺院供香、顶礼,在佛堂供水果、鲜花,为寺院捐款、供养大德、修建希望小学、为贫困山区捐物……* P. ]6 r- d) b+ Y+ p/ d2 F
6 D4 O: m- J9 M) O. Z" D
People with good hearts enjoy doing meritorious acts, regardless of their belief in Buddhism. For instance, they like to burn incense and prostrate in front of the deities at temples, present fresh flowers and fruits in the shrine room, donate funds to monasteries, offer to eminent monks, build “Hope Elementary Schools”, collect goods for poor mountain villagers, and so on.
: \% R/ S, ^/ c3 o, F; D5 W' k( W. Q1 |* @# w6 X. \- V
+ |& W# R2 U. p& \2 T- D7 ?# t* H9 o7 z1 `2 D9 u6 Z' m& O
Those who have committed non-virtues will also do some good deeds, in order to feel less conscience-stricken and perhaps to make up for their misdeeds.
+ g8 H+ H' t1 v" t* y& k1 Q5 I4 _
' [  q) _- U) x" ~! N据说一些地方的寺庙,在大年三十晚上,居然人满为患,烧香磕头的人络绎不绝。公安局、消防车随时在为可能发生的火灾或拥挤不堪的人群作防范。进门的队伍绵延了几条街,门票一涨再涨,仍阻止不了蜂拥而至的人流。$ r+ X, I( a; s  _, J' @$ m

) Q+ ?- @: P1 v0 p8 t
The eve of Chinese Lunar New is usually a time when folks pack local temples to offer incense and prostrations. Police and fire trucks have their watchful eyes on possible fire alarms and overcrowded conditions. People come in a continuous stream and many have to wait in long lines over several blocks. Even the skyrocketing admission fees do not discourage the arriving throngs.' v3 J3 _9 N2 v" z8 X' L
3 `1 g5 k& f  w% r; D
在随喜之余,也令我想到《圣大涅槃经》中的经文:“若人有生年,以无量七宝,卧具及神馐,供养一切佛,不及一刹那,为众发愿心,功德无有量。”一切功德之中,发菩提心的功德是最大的。哪怕在一刹那间生起愿菩提心,功德也是很大的,生起行菩提心的利益就更是无法衡量。8 H, [! D+ Z  N- n' m( d3 Q/ M
; W& R" b% C! ~# B
Rejoicing in this, I recall a passage from Mahaparinirvana Sutra: “The merit of offering to all the Buddhas in one’s life seven precious substances, beds, and food is great. However, it can’t be compared with the immeasurable merit of generating bodhichitta for all beings just for an instant. ” Of all the virtues, the one having the greatest merit is arousing bodhichitta. To generate bodhichitta of intention even just momentarily is great virtue. The benefits of generating bodhichitta of application are even innumerable.6 l0 B7 M/ b9 v

6 U! r% c! ], |5 g9 i7 z( H$ Y《胜月女经》云:“仅思利他心,利益尚无量,何况行利益?”
" d8 ?; }( R( G) t. P! ]6 f. s3 z6 D4 D- h+ v2 F  {" Z% Z' \
The Sutra of the Maiden Excellent Moon says: “If the merit of hoping to help others knows no bounds, what need is there to speak of the actual deeds of helping others?”
5 ^* ^2 V% P/ [' ?# y$ g- V! s$ d0 T2 g3 S) x/ b3 d5 t
因此,作为修行人不应求形象上的相似功德。哪怕每天一次,在床上静下来发起殊胜菩提心,其功德也是无量的。& _0 q. P8 A9 ]; @" ^$ X

5 w: q' Z! |9 VTherefore, a practitioner should not seek only superficial semblance of merit. Instead, cultivate the supreme bodhichitta. Doing it even just once a day, in bed when settling down, a boundless store of merit is amassed.
( X2 `" J) w8 m1 Z+ u! r  Z
0 c5 {3 Y! e0 x! N$ O8 k6 v壬午年二月初二# u& v' v3 _: _. ]9 H& x
' {& Y4 M  F7 K0 W
# h2 ]0 D, Z3 N+ ?) _" S* c2 Z6 e0 e8 X9 m
2nd of February, Year of RenWu8 O+ @. n; D# D  h$ n

, y2 O! p  ]; Y. eMarch 16, 2002
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