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《旅途脚印》| 答难——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-5-11 20:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
9 s; |6 i. t9 R9 G. l$ x; [" r, s) _. h; D' M7 n
答难 | Tough Questions
5 V5 F! F3 k! f/ Z  u1 J

6 O& @; f6 P: b* ~藏地寺院辩论之时经常会涉及到这样的问题:“佛地时有无发心?菩萨戒是否要有一种别解脱戒为基础?”
+ `( z- W- O9 }* d( `; u, O- O# w6 C; A! ?# j
“Is there bodhichitta on the level of Buddhahood? Do the Bodhisattva vows require the Pratimoksha vows as the basis?” These questions have always been raised during the Dharma debate in Tibetan monasteries.4 y) f# F' p$ i' L/ B5 T

. `' r0 B  e: R. \: Z/ _对此问题的回答也是众说纷纭、各说不一。
( p* C1 R7 e8 `, G, d! a5 l2 b5 g* n$ U
The answers to these questions are many and each holds a different viewpoint.
( \: t; Q9 e9 s2 q' h
& l! ~  ^1 j# Y8 y% E8 J5 C总结宁玛派无垢光尊者观点之精华,则为:“佛地时无有从仪轨所得的有学道发心,但具胜义发心。因佛具有得而未失、无缘大悲之发心故。”
0 T( g1 X, w' y, \+ w
' `' m2 W; I7 J. m% ]" G/ C, e" C6 TAccording to the superior viewpoint of Nyingma master Longchenpa, they can be summarized as: “On the level of Buddhahood, there is absolute bodhichitta, but not the bodhichitta conferred in rituals while on the path of learning. The Buddha’s compassion is free from concepts, infinite, and unconditional; once gained, such bodhichitta will never be lost.”6 @# b+ ]! f$ y, S( ^- j+ L( K

0 J( y5 {6 I; Z《中般若经》云:“我以佛眼照见一切众生,并具发心。赴往东方恒河沙世间之地狱、饿鬼、傍生处为利彼等众生而说法。”
! h5 m8 ~, {0 d. W+ x) g! f0 K* |3 L/ j, g: e
In the Middle Prajnaparamita Sutra it says: “I see all sentient beings with my Buddha-eye and I possess bodhichitta. Traveling to the realms of hell, hungry ghosts and animals of the eastern worlds as numerous as the sands of the Ganges River, I expound Dharma for all the beings there.”
7 E/ O. K9 w* Z5 C8 h- d3 _* T1 U  _
按照唯识宗的观点,受持菩萨戒须别解脱戒中的任何一种,《菩提道灯论》云:“别解脱戒里恒具七种人,菩萨戒只对有缘者,其余不可得。”% G8 D+ [5 H* F% I4 N% o

7 F  _. E- @: v" E, G! E( MAccording to views of Cittamatra, one must have kept at least one of the Pratimoksha precepts to receive the Bodhisattva vow. In Lamp on the Path to Enlightenment it says: “Only those who have kept at least one of the seven categories of the Pratimoksha vows are the fortunate ones to receive Bodhisattva vows. No one else can.”
1 `2 ~6 {7 B1 t+ W* G) ~
2 @  b) u+ z/ Y; Z: [按照中观的观点,任一众生皆可具菩提心,不一定要求必须获得人身。《宝积经》云:“尔时所持法门时,诸天、龙、非天、大鹏、大腹行等无数众生皆发无上真实圆满菩提心。”
* q* F! }. s- n5 n6 V5 \9 q7 i( \+ e2 T& E) ^
According to Madhyamaka, every sentient being can have bodhichitta and thus possessing a human body is not required. The Jewel Heap Sutra (Ratnakūṭa Sutra) says: “When the treatises are thus expounded, numerous beings—gods, nagas, demigods, garudas, big-bellied ones and so on, all generate bodhichitta, the wish for unsurpassable, true, complete enlightenment.) C. l5 s" l8 E$ V+ U

3 K# {% T* |% y  W  o0 \$ C这两种观点并不相违。发真实菩提心后,别解脱戒里不杀生等戒也必定具足。/ j2 p" [9 E, u# o7 `- r

/ n. L: B7 y7 [) KTherefore, these two points of view are not contradictory. As long as genuine bodhichitta is generated, the precepts in the Pratimoksha vows such as not taking life become perfect also.
9 W5 r9 H; [$ g# r, a% ?
0 P, F% v6 D* l+ O此乃祖传的无上至宝啊!

- L: e) Y; C! B% T/ k: H9 k3 L1 r8 I! @& J  H# i1 |
These are really the priceless legacies of our lineage masters!: }$ l! F8 U9 Z7 K4 K/ W
( Q! o7 k! ]7 r1 ~" G, W5 \( ]
壬午年二月初一( V2 Q) I1 i4 U  ?8 g/ S7 Q* S) G2 y
. J; {; u8 |9 K: O6 N; @/ T
3 x1 j# @* H3 L. Q
- b( [( ~0 |* L& _. X2 R* U1st of February, Year of RenWu
/ j. C9 {5 L$ r5 k8 V6 W+ _% @' v) t% n& a# i/ O
March 14, 2002
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