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《旅途脚印》| 四力——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-6-27 21:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

3 q' B7 V% b+ c! w' Z我们知道藏传佛教无论格鲁派还是宁玛派等其他教派,忏悔时都依四对治力。修习汉传佛
% Q0 K( f; m. e" b% c" J4 L教的有些人却以为这是藏地修法,没有必要采用,这种见解实为井蛙之见。
3 N5 ]& j8 S" tIt is well known that in Gelugpa, Nyingmapa, or other schools of Tibetan Buddhism, every " G* l6 x0 C( w+ z  d
purification practice relies on the four powers of antidote. Some Han Buddhist practitioners, 4 s( N! C9 Q& A% K* ]
however, consider it a mere Tibetan tradition and hence neglect it. Such a viewpoint misses the " [: c2 X& B" r, h: G3 |- \$ M; ~
big picture., z: O# s+ j! b$ U
其实,这也是藏传佛教将佛经窍诀灵活应用于修法的具体体现。四对治力在《大藏经》的: J1 l7 d8 c& `. D1 Z8 ~- O$ N% j
9 e: h& ~3 G* `7 n% N! Y% X罪。何为四法?厌患对治力、现行对治力、返回对治力、所依对治力。厌患对治力即若行
' |: p4 G6 B/ N' k8 `不善业则多生悔心;现行对治力即虽作不善业但也极为精勤行善;返回对治力即真实受戒6 @4 I" q6 {! `1 d
后获得不再就犯之戒;所依对治力即皈依佛、法、僧三宝与不舍菩提心。”+ t9 p# p  I' f' ]
In fact, this practice epitomizes how Tibetan Buddhism aptly applies Buddha’s pith instructions. & i! C$ ~7 n& G. z( r9 \3 c0 E: n  M- R
In the Chinese Buddhist canon Tripitaka, there are many accounts of the four powers in sutras
' a3 t. u9 b) V9 e" R! T$ j4 [and shastras. For instance, the Sutra Teaching the Four Dharmas says: “Maitreya, if a Bodhisattva % w; h+ h/ {  G' W2 x
possesses these four Dharmas, all the evil deeds which have been performed and accumulated
9 U) M9 d' H- r6 U' {# ^; awill be overcome. What are these four? They are: the power of regret, the power of action, the 5 l6 p8 B' e! X/ Z2 S  r
power of resolution, and the power of support. As for the power of regret, if we have done
* u. }4 O- `# C6 g  Mnegative actions, we repent them strongly. As for the power of action, it is the remediation of % ~+ d3 P) ]/ h. `& O1 G8 m2 ?
our evil deeds; we strive to do wholesome actions. As for the power of resolution, we make
. B0 p7 @5 I' F/ ~genuine vows never to repeat the same evil deeds again. As for the power of support, we go for ' e' E8 y: J& U# D/ ^
refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha, and always uphold bodhichitta.”( F0 ?) ^2 Y/ g% n$ {) I7 I, ~
7 N; g. g# e) l( k  n经》中对此也有详细记载。# y/ m! {# p, u+ {8 h
Thus the four powers of antidote are not exclusively found in Tibetan Buddhism. Moreover, the ; {5 X2 K" O. D; P1 E: n! i
recitation of the Vajrasattva mantra has been described in detail in the Sutra of Three Wrathful ) R6 b% l: J9 G: C& N
Ways of Taming as well.. N- Y' f! h4 d# ?5 J. J( y
& R+ l; U. U# E4 a7 V* H经》云:“愚人造恶业,不知忏悔罪,智者忏悔罪,不与业同住。”
% W: z3 u. T/ FPeople these days are committing non-virtues all the time and hardly anyone bothers to repent
3 n4 m& W- |  }- wsincerely with wisdom. The Sutra of the Great Lion’s Roar Requested by Maitreya says: “The fool
8 f& A3 l2 p6 g: x; O! y( ^/ L3 o' ncommits evil karmas and knows not to confess faults. The wise person purifies faults and # r; B. x$ T8 c% X" a% _
dissociates from negative karmas.”
/ T6 O# q; p3 w, w所以不论是藏传佛教还是汉传佛教,若依四对治力忏悔,即能遣除无量罪障。如果因前世
( A8 o, |0 }5 L- k8 \  a& M习气难以更改,不能完全断除杀生、妄语等恶习,但如果能每天诚心念诵金刚萨埵心咒,8 v7 s' p8 ~  p5 A5 M
也会有不可思议功德。9 J5 g* D% ~2 t0 i" t$ W" p" ~
Therefore, either Tibetan Buddhism or Han Buddhism contains the practice of confession with
; S3 e" r$ `9 q1 S+ u8 }four antidotes that, if followed properly, will purify innumerable non-virtues. However, someone
1 [( h& @: z5 W/ Fwith recalcitrant habits from past lives may find it difficult to renounce completely bad 0 Z. d$ h0 p0 n0 p5 Q" F$ g
tendencies such as taking lives or telling lies. In this case, by reciting sincerely the Vajrasattva . ?2 B% A* s1 K# ?! J" @( B! O; T
mantra every day, one can still accrue incredible merits.
6 j1 w, P. Z, _9 [. ?2 g+ g) F1 s5 I. C但愿人们在散乱之余,不要忘了忏悔。
" r% C% ]$ K. o' QI hope people will not forget the purification practice besides tending to other distractive
9 T! @$ ?+ q/ [activities!
9 V" }7 q# o/ P! J5 `! N6 H壬午年二月初十
& v! r7 c0 ?/ t9 P7 R( [  v2002年3月24日4 R; d$ b: `1 i( m
10th of February, Year of RenWu
% ~# w7 ]8 J/ G( X9 ?4 d2 ~March 24, 2002. q8 E; n$ R) n9 `3 k
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