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《旅途脚印》| 转变——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-9-14 07:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
8 v" ]0 l- K/ V- L( ?/ b+ T
转变 | Getting Transformed
诚心向佛的修行人,其心态与行为往往会与以前的世俗生活判若两人。因为具有佛法之智  B3 D3 D# }. H- |! i* u2 |
/ w; x: n0 [- e& w, `Once a person turns his mind wholeheartedly toward the Dharma, his attitude and behavior will0 C7 u& d1 e: Q
no longer be his old worldly self. With the sword of Dharma wisdom in hand, many knotty
& a) j3 U9 P3 f' ?. Mproblems, fetters, and worries in the secular world are cut through smoothly.  ]3 O% ~: J) q& w) r& U5 q
奔公甲大师(赤诚加瓦)是藏地以对治烦恼而着称的大修行人。他曾以强盗行径为生,性格" U  D7 b# _/ i; P
粗暴,不拘小节。后来幡然醒悟,并与土匪生涯一刀两断。毅然出家后,采用各种对治方4 ]9 i: d: w+ H  ^
法,舍弃一切恶行,严于律己,常观己过,终于令自相续生起了极大的欢悦。( l: P4 v  d5 K8 U# i/ j) ~
Ben Kungyal (Tsultrim Galwa) is a great Tibetan siddha noted for his skillful way of overcoming
; q0 P/ Q" V' V# E/ xnegative emotions. He used to be a bandit by living, and was crude, brutal, and impetuous. When7 ]/ v, r- Z* |: n0 H& }/ Y
he suddenly realized his own mistakes, he quickly made a clean break with his outlaw life.
. g/ M  `8 k( w& xResolutely, he took ordination and parted with all non-virtuous activities by employing various/ s' C. J, [: ^, |4 {/ Q
antidotes. Disciplining himself rigorously and being watchful of his own faults always, he5 q! W, f$ S) G8 a$ {
eventually aroused great bliss in his mental stream.
# o4 k; L- H8 k5 \! X3 G9 L博朵瓦曾意味深长地说:“修行人在今生中也应与其他人截然不同。我是在家人的时候,
" l# Z4 `  o( o曾三次去挖金,结果一无所得,现在每一天都有许多两黄金的进项。雍瓦谷的卡隆巴所拥9 f- x; m# _4 Q% l$ v2 Z, a
2 Q/ N& v6 F, D1 w5 Z( T% d于如法修持的结果啊!”. _, D/ v/ q( m5 Q& V
Potowa once said meaningfully: “Even in this life, a spiritual practitioner and ordinary being must
# {4 Q% L- n6 ?# l8 Qbe poles apart. When I was a layperson, I had gone gold mining three times without finding
6 j2 v; T0 @% Fanything. But now there are taels of gold coming to me every day. The happiness, joy, and fame
3 C+ `7 b& h& b8 t# henjoyed by Kham Longpa of Yongwa Valley are unsurpassable in the world. Chengawa of Lungshu
1 m, L' P9 E8 N" V( V, H4 u$ Z' Lalso enjoys boundless happiness. All these are the consequences of having practiced the Dharma
0 ^5 e. A2 ~! A; h1 J6 R3 r9 nproperly!”& Z7 O' B- T, W+ h, V. Z
作为修行人,一旦通过精勤修持,让佛法在相续中生根发芽,就会因洞彻了宇宙人生的真, J# h' z: k$ S* v& b
相,而彻底打破以往固有的世界观与人生观,并与往昔的世俗生涯逐渐背离。% z# }( G3 p4 Q/ h! a1 _. V  D
By dint of diligent practice, a spiritual seeker will come to realize the truth of the universe and
) e6 t9 ^8 ]# y2 m5 f9 [& ihuman life. As the Dharma seed sprouts and takes root in one’s mind, all the old perceptions of
0 C6 y2 y) Q! V1 l8 U% Athe world and life are shattered to pieces; one will gradually steer away from the old ways of" R4 \/ i4 @: Q" ~) Q
living a mundane life.
1 f! }& Z% p" h  S/ ^如果自己的思想不再继续封闭在追求今生的狭窄思路中,被世间八法所束缚,并将以前所
3 l" u- |; J% A! k# V追求的丰衣美食的物质享受视如敝屣。就会打开一片开阔的视野,目睹到芸芸众生的艰辛
0 V" B* M% U4 R5 j6 w, m1 J1 @困苦,瞻瞩到广袤法界的清澄蔚蓝。9 C2 I4 M" P! o3 ?+ Y# q; q: y4 L
Breaking away from the narrow confines of pursuing this life, we’ll be free from the bondage of) U3 e  y  o/ e* R
the eight worldly concerns. The material comfort we used to run after, like fine food and luxury6 {' Y9 F3 m% w8 C3 |
clothing, seem now as worthless as beat-up shoes. All of a sudden we are open to a huge vista% b% }8 v/ @( K* m3 f
and see the suffering and drudgery of all beings. Eventually we will come to perceive dharmatatu
' e  D4 l' E6 L1 Nthat is as boundless as the blue sky.
" \; {6 M( r* q! f- x只要具备信心与毅力,即使对尘世的贪恋之心已经根深蒂固,佛法也犹如一柄锋利的铁铲
& z# ^" p8 f3 o; e6 ?  O,能够以所向披靡的气势刨开功名利禄的泥土,将世俗牵缠连根铲除。
+ M  Z/ U& q. X8 u) C) `Even for someone with a deep-rooted attachment to secular affairs, all it takes is faith and
! d! A# L" R* w7 a! Tperseverance to break free. The Buddha’s teaching, like a sharp iron shovel, will invincibly shave
# T1 k$ x8 i0 _! W. |* w  s  ^- ?9 ~off the mud of fame and fortune, and uproot all worldly clinging.' X- W" V$ V. s! \5 y  h
作为一名修行人,我是否也有了很大转变呢?& z1 c8 t: j2 N+ _8 E+ a$ h
As a spiritual practitioner, have I achieved any significant transformation yet?
8 z' }( m+ g- c$ R* x9 q# c3 t壬午年二月二十一日 
; |8 l2 o' P# F- _) `6 e5 p) t2 V2002年4月3日+ g# F8 e: A$ F- c, `) q# I5 F
21st of February, Year of RenWu
0 a& U, |' J6 [# n# v: T& iApril 3, 2002
4 ^# x8 n& T9 u0 N8 C6 b- n: Q; j5 O
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