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《旅途脚印》| 还俗 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-4 20:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
) l/ D9 \4 p6 f: `7 [
还俗 | Resuming Secular Life6 G% @! ?' Q7 J, q
' f1 t& ]8 X& a. X0 v; y5 F
十分不想写下这个标题!但在这个五欲增盛的浊世,还俗已成为不得不面对的残酷现实。! s4 k: B2 ~& h9 G" N
, M; b: f6 ?7 B& @7 a; y9 y# l  Q# w

& c7 v7 W' l) j5 L, m' j
0 ?% f5 e/ u& m* kHow reluctant am I to touch upon this subject! But “to leave the monastic order” presents a- n, Z! a$ R( T4 h3 A
- r7 u2 q" q  g. z( l! n$ d
cruel reality we must face in the current time of five degenerations. Instead of dodging the issue,) }9 ^" t% P" ?- c$ |5 c( e
& H1 U1 [8 ~8 r' ~
I may as well look at it squarely and bravely.
( V$ }0 U& B- v4 w* H
4 m; t3 [, Z2 U+ S+ H0 S  i/ r今天,听到一位出家十几年的人,为烦恼所缠,已还俗好几个月了。听到这个消息,心里3 f; C. T) _$ X7 h4 i
  ^% U# s! m+ j! H5 ?
像吃了一只苍蝇般不是滋味。记得在他出家初期,也可算得上是闻思精进、戒律清净、智4 H" @1 ?- l* F1 k) W: p

) n: q# _( h& u) J$ |慧日益增上的典范。他曾说过:“我只要活一天,决不还俗。让我还俗,还不如死掉。”8 _% z. s  n# H$ u8 d, A& w

3 H1 Q# P% ^. h& u$ p! ~, N/ \8 H这样一位下了很大决心的人,却食言还俗,十分令人痛心。
+ l  Q3 C  q8 G8 }- k
/ |+ j$ Y, L) v* A/ Q: t5 t
A few months ago a monk, beset by afflictions, declared to renounce his monastic life of more
+ D% J" v9 {" g( ~* p9 F! R' N
! ?7 u6 w5 Q( S' k1 Ithan 10 years. When I heard this news today, I got quite upset as if I had swallowed a fly. I recall
+ v! O8 D" s* _2 W( Z. k- S: T/ I  R/ r
- b) _' N- m" V, X: }, @early on, his ordained peers had regarded him as a model by his diligent study and keeping pure
. ?5 |5 V* g) M* _7 k
$ g. E3 O& F; f7 mprecepts. Once he asserted: “As long as I am alive, I will never leave the monastic order even for
0 t$ W/ e9 q% Q$ S( r/ C2 o1 `3 s
0 J6 d$ ]1 L' D5 p% ]1 J1 @! Gone day. For me, returning to the worldly life is worse than dying.” A person who proclaimed his/ L' i! Y! |1 V

) A$ k; I! M& j* ~8 Qfaith with such strong determination still ended up eating his own words and repealed his vow.! N* d# v( w+ g9 X* d% l  C  Y

& K* Q6 g4 z9 N* C2 mHow can I not feel sick at heart!
1 `& g3 Q8 b- j: S+ r3 |( h- U2 z# U' \+ H$ E
他在电话中闭口不谈佛法,却无休止地言及他的生意。当问到他生意如何时,他像饱含 了
! h0 ?' C0 v1 M7 q5 l8 U8 B. a: A' z" N, j8 |
一大堆苦水,忙不迭地向我倾倒:“如今的生意太难做了!每天8小时,却挣不到十元钱。( l0 r0 r: y9 c1 r- w

$ {7 S+ M- G. G& c想起以前出家时无忧无虑的生活,真像在天堂一样啊!唉!!”听了他的苦恼,我真不知( e% ~) N1 k: |) u1 I2 Q

, x" s- _2 F0 U. {' y' [: ]! W该如何应答。

! A& v2 C0 {% m( r  ]- J
+ q7 Z8 R, Q; Y2 s$ n3 MOver the phone, he veered away from discussing the Dharma, but instead tattled endlessly about
" `8 A# p: I* |5 Q
6 `6 [( \* {( d* Whis business. When I asked how it was going, he started to pour out to me his pent-up miseries:/ v5 U* `) g2 _; _1 x. |( X

- I% X1 X# S& E' Y8 W“You know, it’s so difficult to do business these days! My hard labor of eight hours daily earns me6 z& ?: E/ N7 f" L
# @/ E; N5 K+ j# M2 g. ~0 r
less than 10 yuan. The ordained life at the monastery, as I recall now, was so peaceful and worry-
. ?8 ?0 S) r. \! K4 I1 h" N0 v6 F6 L* `# M4 o
free, almost like living in heaven! Alas!!” Hearing his complaints, I have no idea how to respond.
# c( W- x- e0 j, x2 v5 {3 A! j0 r+ e8 v9 C* Y$ s$ @. ~
! A; I$ v# G2 j" p9 e$ {& D
) n# _# v5 M+ ?- k' T0 n" b+ p/ C: y左右。虽忙于生意,却不离念诵。

0 V7 m# p. T( z
5 `* b+ U* y, i7 zBut there is some consolation for me: He is still holding onto his views and his faith in the Three9 `+ A. u3 M' B* l
9 R: \# v# C7 G& H. m  @" V
Jewels has not waned. He takes every opportunity to do the purification practice and also2 m( _; N) s+ I7 z3 p
% c. X7 q& h9 I4 A! S
remembers to recite mantras while busy with his shop." `0 A/ \/ o: g4 |

8 m% s8 i1 ]1 E/ B6 a( U9 g9 j喇拉曲智仁波切曾有一位很有名的弟子因故还俗,但别人毁谤他时,仁波切却说:“毁谤4 n. U9 Y0 }1 h  [( p
* s. h& ~9 D8 D

$ W; w) u$ G3 B# B  u7 |2 z+ U: n% k9 D
Once, one of Lhala Chodri Rinpoche’s main disciples left the monastic order for some reason.
, _6 t: M, }; H' d$ Q) _% O
& \* t7 J7 D) G. q% vWhen others condemned him, Rinpoche said: “It’s not right to speak badly about others.
9 Q, R6 i' j6 V: {5 x: h1 |5 R# d! U% Q" Z/ M
Although his body has resumed a worldly life, he has not done so in his heart.”
4 _6 C+ n" N! @
3 N7 {+ u$ x6 h+ `- ~9 p9 {+ f佛经云:“宁可毁尸罗,切莫坏正见。”《中观四百论》中也说:“宁毁犯尸罗,不损坏
: a3 O- r# L" l+ I8 z
. M3 V* a- N; L9 f* {$ d正见。”如果见解毁坏,不行忏悔,反而责怪上师三宝,即使身体没有还俗,其内心却已0 l5 G- ^- C, `9 P0 s# v7 D0 ^1 l

3 V. t* H6 `1 X4 A无可救药了
; D. M8 j: v( m  r7 E0 M

; k. g8 p( z( S  p6 A# e9 rIt is stated in the scripture: “Better to break the precepts than to damage the right view.” In the
& d* n' v) q) U' t; o% \/ M: C- Q+ [4 ?! y
Four Hundred Verses of Madhyamaka, it says: “One would rather transgress edicts than abandon" B2 x4 U0 M; Q
  M+ W8 f. Z0 R- ]. |% V
the right view.” If a person has ruined his right view but, instead of confessing sincerely, he
6 u+ j! k* F" e8 ]0 [* \1 Y" T
7 b3 t8 b. n1 p1 _5 O6 Hpoints the finger at the guru or the Three Jewels, then this person’s mind is incurably corrupt,
5 ^8 S% m# M& S: Z- F  [8 O2 f1 O( {+ G" P) x6 {* J- u9 P( a
even though his body has not returned to the secular world.$ t8 }& D* f4 C3 j. ]" x

8 U+ D  K# `: A( _壬午年三月十九日  
  r* w; j# C& R% f: ~6 [0 l: M
2 S$ W7 \/ ?; H" I. Z2002年4月30日
* L6 ]: L- x1 `% T4 @6 ?& J- W2 M3 `# c( f% G: x
19th of March, Year of RenWu
8 |& [5 o% t* L" ]7 M+ ^* m* z- o/ ?7 L! t
April 30, 2002# t+ W8 `7 [( {' y  J








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发表于 2018-10-8 23:00 | 显示全部楼层
我也来看了,很不错,收藏了) z" J: V" `5 q4 {* v$ H

/ A' [+ m% X, F' B+ I% t
- r7 ^7 I: ~! M8 b. L8 I  `
4 F, r5 H- a% J+ P  U+ l
  j" O# W/ Z/ g! w( _) }) {
2 k2 ?1 _; e9 b5 _% c
1 \. N1 ~* s0 g, x
8 R* F/ J; ~- S  J+ E
( u3 D: ~* C3 B" e8 E; w( A0 y/ S2 p- M( Y0 D9 F

* I5 ?4 |2 e- h, }
4 l: ~$ I4 Z8 b0 K, k5 a$ g  T" }# L外國菜譜   http://www.gfgfgf.com.tw/zyts/pfmf/   2018年10月09日 遊戲排名
1 k) y% _( O; }% k6 r  v) T中醫    傷心的句子 http://www.gfgfgf.com.tw/zyts/zhou/  髮型圖片         http://www.gfgfgf.com.tw/zyts/zybg/  祝福語大全
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