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慕尼黑家庭旅馆Munich Family Hotel "Zhang Inn"









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发表于 2011-7-13 04:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
慕尼黑家庭旅馆Munich Family Hotel  "Zhang Inn" ! {, i; A! j  l3 g# z% g
张客栈"就在火车总站Munich Family Hotel  "Zhang Inn" on the train station1 ?9 i6 t2 ?. D  Q2 f( v! D* M; ^

* [" k/ n* l$ V$ O& l- |; v朋友,来吧,快来感受慕尼黑的精彩和巴伐利亚人的生活!1 G# p1 q0 L& @* ^' y6 F! q$ J+ F
8 u0 r  A+ J3 I4 g0 t# }
) ?- N" A0 {& l" C  a- `9 G8 b高居六层商业大厦的顶层(电梯),关了窗户却非常安静,也很安全。
& c% p1 P) a2 J8 e+ t" m5 X楼下酒吧小吃商铺目不暇接,夜晚热闹缤纷,让你尽情享受在慕尼黑的每一分钟!7 N- |4 A8 h" m% R& p: N1 P# d0 M
4 l% G7 x9 I# h& p
% ^- P7 X* i4 M& R7 E% S0 W- h% O清晨入住可存放行李。退房直到第二天22点,不额外收费。
* b) ?2 p$ W0 L/ o# H6 B暖气适度.被褥、床单、枕套每客新换。( k: f5 v2 W7 P9 E  N
8 h+ Z3 ]% G; Z. ?$ A6 C5 d! F2 L! q$ {
热水充足,提供拖鞋漱口杯牙膏洗浴液浴巾吹风机等。2 p" p* ?8 U$ s7 y
不带早餐。带开水壶茶叶冰箱电炉和热情咨询等。3 V- @  ]( u) _  `
# U8 o) r0 v/ Z6 Q* e- w0 u
5 t; ?; Q$ q/ H$ v/ h$ o

价格(单位 : 欧元)
, B/ ]2 P7 Y3 Z- g2 e

/ r( M+ R0 r/ W9 r

. w$ ^. h* ?2 c* g! }7 l
; K+ D- G" o* n0 t6 R* E
注:啤酒节展会期间价钱有所调整!我们保证:我们的价格始终居于慕尼黑火车总站附近旅店的最低价位的下限。8 B5 ~) Z. l* K8 Z0 {7 e, d

; V; \6 g9 f  I; h$ z) g& ?/ t7 T: J2 C1 E1 f

未满5周岁的儿童   免费,6-10岁儿童享受50%的价格


/ }9 U* l1 K) w5 w1 L2 N/ {

联系人:   张先生(张君  , Zhang Sir  ,四川老张,小张他叔)# A! W( B& \4 t- s# A
电话   座机   :0049/89/82006286
. }4 U+ Q, N' D  f: A$ t: ~) |% c

  S( k( |  i- W+ k" Z9 @
         手机   :0049-151-27952549# a4 ?4 X4 _( D; e

8 Y' ]9 _* K$ ?3 D! G! ~                      qq859293979 . ]$ U: _3 T' t7 u

4 _; N& _" V* S/ |, A6 p: h9 x1 I; o3 ^+ ~% L2 [9 R$ m4 ?9 M/ z/ M# L
: g# }( k  ~0 u8 q: |: B( C
  I" D% m; @) s& F4 y9 A  L
& k+ n$ z3 i) c
预定房间麻烦请填写:2 ?7 g* X3 _& J* R  K( w
                  1   姓名                :6 W, @" p& Z0 d/ r/ L# Q! T$ y
                  2   性别,人数      :(男)    , (女)   

                  3   预定                :   房间    还是    床位+ E* v. q; C" H2 u8 G2 u& J. ?
                  4   入住日期         :(2011)   月    日     

                  5   抵达时间         :     点     分。飞机,火车或汽车

                  6   离开日期/时间:(2011)  月     日    时                                               

                  7   联系电话          :
8 v3 ^+ _0 f# ^% `. R' k
/ U' k4 O7 u! U/ v, c  [
3 j; I) u- T7 m8 T
2 X( ?: [, q5 Vhttp://www.muenchen.de/cms/prod1/mde/_de/rubriken/Rathaus/65_raw/Tourismusamt/img/img_angebot/netz_2010.jpg

9 n8 g5 J, b( p0 \" C7 K


, H/ z. W9 O* ]# rThe window of the quiet
8 g* _- v) N9 b$ _1 I7 E# T3 k1 V  `8 {) Z7 J


: W: I4 ?. F; w% j8 s: D0 d" S1 c





Munich Family Hotel  "Zhang Inn" on the train station
/ a; l; o- p9 R7 ]( V6 J# [. oFriends, come on, come and experience Munich's Bavarian wonderful life!/ `0 q& P6 I: ~9 }7 c# B, |% @4 h* S
- b  T) W' ]" X0 x3 U% ]# _
Away from the main train station Hauptbahnhof (DB) of three-minute walk, to the city center two minutes ,to Oktoberfest square seven minutes.8 \/ G& v/ R9 C7 Q0 M  |9 E
Highest in the top six commercial buildings (elevators), shut the window is very quiet, very safe.7 z8 m" {" r9 \. [$ f" Y
Downstairs bar snacks shops dazzle the night lively fun, you enjoy every minute in Munich!
3 j5 D* h4 {" G* H* v8 EGermany's old room: clean and bright.
5 p  W2 P$ i( L( m/ dFree wireless network, equipped with a plug adapter.4 b" Q8 [& u/ u( O+ F7 B
Check your luggage early in the morning can be. Check out until 22 o'clock the next day at no extra charge.
# U* c" f" ]8 z5 B9 I$ bHeating appropriate. Bedding, sheets, pillowcases for each new customer.
; v: c; _3 H; x1 U1 Z3 T' H  oBathroom: In addition to a single room with private bathroom, the other public,
2 U+ v0 \9 O9 _) ^, B0 OHot water sufficient to provide liquid bath towel slippers Tumbler toothpaste hair dryer and so on.
  n/ _% J+ Y( U5 C( DWithout breakfast. Electric tea kettle with a refrigerator and warm consultation.
* W  _: D2 K$ F  V2 v3 ]$ f  F" HNo reservation fee (in addition to the exhibition season, outside of Oktoberfest).
) g0 i  k& }2 y) `/ |3 M( y+ P( v
! `) I+ U% @) I, G9 P7 |+ @9 o) pPrice (Unit: Euro)
- i2 h( z* f# JQuadruple Room (through the shop) / bed 20$ ^7 e- K  x  j( t
Bunk. There are lockers, lock9 P: w9 U: F3 V/ b. y8 @8 j& Q

8 w6 y9 j6 }+ d* ?4 x/ pSingle 39
0 v5 ?: T" I+ v* d! ~# u3 N; ]; }1 }! _
Double 55
* r% L1 C1 t# k: U2 vTriple  65
! {) L0 F4 E% [$ R" @9 A8 |% ?* m/ N% r8 a
Note: Prices subject to change during the Oktoberfest event! We guarantee: Our price is always living in the Munich train station near the hotel's lowest price limit.& F; f  q, f. y$ l8 O6 T

! X) o. Y% {' XFree for children under 5 years of age children aged 6-10 receive a 50% price
2 o6 L( C( r2 ]: W0 a% Y
4 @- y  ]( q( u8 q5 n0 VCheck to pay now, get house keys, have to pay 50 Euro deposit or passport charge.
* G- I% C' G/ x* N5 K9 M5 D+ h" q4 ^2 J" B4 C0 Y. N
Contact: Mr. Zhang 7 X% ^, D% S4 T; O. m
Telephone landline: 0049/89/82006286( J6 q- D5 n0 e4 Z) o2 @! o
" B$ T& O. ]0 J; `/ E. w         Phone :0049 -151-27952549
  y" N/ A5 s! d1 [6 b" H5 f" B  m
& Z* ?9 v' J! ]8 D2 `                      qq859293979
5 a3 E; ]" I; q, h; d# p9 x              munihe@msn.com
! L2 S; x) s) \5 D$ z6 H! x$ |; a1 WOur website:
, g/ C3 ~2 d7 o  i5 Ahttp://muniheijl.ggmmu.com" |- C; @. ~! J* \) v% D) W

7 E& l9 ~9 E$ y  f, |& ^" v                   Make a reservation, please fill in trouble:

6 G* a! L1 j$ L/ W: r7 v; P

8 g- }9 \/ |7 K
1 Name:
, R6 V" r/ Q/ C" g' M                   2 sex, number: (M), (female)5 l% I# e5 q5 f2 c. W
0 I: O) d! P8 P, O* F& Z- G! A% J1 n
                   3 Reservations: room or bed
- T& G' C# i1 @) Z% g                   4 Check In: ​​(2011) (date)3 m: l7 H, B: Y# A( `9 o
; ^( v$ N7 a1 A
                   5 Arrival Time: dotted. Aircraft, train or car( j+ ^/ }2 P  Q' k- d

/ h* u; |' M3 M/ ?                   6 out Date / Time: (2011) May Day* d6 U2 O3 N2 d9 D2 N- J. m$ A

- O$ j: f& h1 \; r                   7 Contact Phone

                        - `! G% v, F4 @' u
After we receive your order will reply and confirm.

! r) o  K0 ?' G) j  t3 ~Munich subway map, please link to:
/ }: f; V. X# z" H; P$ Whttp://www.muenchen.de/cms/prod1/mde/_de/rubriken/Rathaus/65_raw/Tourismusamt/img/img_angebot/netz_2010.jpg








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 楼主| 发表于 2011-8-12 16:24 | 显示全部楼层
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