上网|Internet Surfing
# @7 x* Q, _: |& u) |8 L v/ Z0 E- _ 1 V2 \- y z" y8 j7 D; w, W
随着科学日新月异的不断进步,世人的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。手机、电脑等现代化设备已不再显得遥不可及,甚至在边远的藏地也有了网吧。各种现代手段使时空的距离不复存在,即使远隔天涯也有了咫尺之感,古今之人也可在网上神交,真可谓“秀才不出门,便知天下事”。很多人通过网络,增长了智慧,也使自己的人格变得高尚起来。" k+ v* ]1 M" q3 P5 ^4 J
5 y9 k' Y7 h; O# K5 y' Q( aThe rapid and continuous advances in scientific fields have brought dramatic changes in human life. Products of modern technology such as cell phones and computers are no longer out of reach to common people: Even in remote Tibetan areas there are Internet bars. The constraints of time and space seem to disappear with new tools—no matter how far away we are from one another, we can feel like we’re right next to each another; in cyberspace we connect with people of ancient and modern times. It is exactly like “without even leaving the house, a scholar knows what is happening in the world.” Many people have become more knowledgeable by using the Internet or even have become better people.
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+ S* O. F, b5 } Z d& Y6 a一些大德们也纷纷建立了自己的网站、论坛,通过现代工具之方便,将无数饱受烦恼折磨的有情引入了解脱正道。2 x) P5 W& L. A9 i
# j3 h/ W' ]; O6 WMany distinguished Dharma teachers have also set up their own websites and discussion forums one after the other. By using convenient modern tools, they lead many tormented souls onto the path to liberation.; @0 a- R" r+ T6 }% d5 [
5 S6 M7 @" B5 `% L: P. E% K2 @& n4 D
然而,其负面的影响也是不容忽视的。因为网上所提供的信息鱼龙混杂,很多青少年整日沉迷于此,并且因为不能善加辨别而增上三毒烦恼,增加社会不安定因素。一些出家人也不问闻思修,而对色情、暴力网站情有独钟。科学的果实正在遭到滥用与浪费,十分令人堪忧。8 w4 P: f( e, F; \! }+ J! i3 |5 t
5 j9 O6 L6 s0 \, HNonetheless, there are also negative influences of the Internet that cannot be ignored. The information available on line is a mixture of good and bad. Many teenagers, lacking prudent( \5 Q' Y+ u- A1 R
H& y5 ?3 P! p3 t7 Y) ]judgment, indulge in surfing the web all day long and pile up the three poisonous emotions, adding destabilizing factors to society. Even some ordained Buddhists favor forbidden sites of violence and sex while neglecting their study, reflection, and meditation on the Dharma. It is really worrisome that the fruits of scientific discoveries are being misused and wasted.
3 E' R, m( g1 h; b8 P' ~" O6 R8 B# O9 c9 Y, V, R
有智慧的人能利用善巧方便自利利他,没有智慧的人却只能利用各种方便造作恶业。正如《宝积经》所云:“佛告迦叶,具慧之士依方便得解脱,乏智之人依方便得束缚。”这段佛经也同样适用于对网络信息的取舍问题。# _. r( c& y2 }
* c. J. h0 ~5 g. g _! CA wise person will use skillful means to benefit self and others. A foolish person, on the other hand, will employ handy ways to create non-virtues. This is described exactly in the Jewel Heap Sutra (Ratnakuṭa Sutra): “The Buddha told Kasyapa: The wise use skillful means to attain liberation; the unwise use clever ways to bring about shackles.” This passage applies perfectly to the issue of adopting or ignoring information posted on the web.& v/ q3 N6 B" N9 u: V0 I0 h' l* S
* e5 I. p; ? W: b, g但愿人们能谨记这句教言。
5 B0 t% C3 h- r0 h- ]6 n7 K, j9 [# C1 g$ D3 x0 R2 u! a
May people remember well this particular teaching!: W+ b4 }; m. j* B# ] u
( i4 n4 E# z! {! c5 E! O1 p( ?壬午年正月初五9 q. R2 [- x3 g
5 W- u7 w! @3 ]5 v$ z; @$ j2002年2月17日
* @2 q! x Y6 X) k5 C1 n: c( Y
1 [0 K) K" _1 e1 e0 `; C( f5th of January, Year of RenWu
: G/ }1 r p; Z2 u$ W) P& W; I4 n/ A" w: B! o
February 17, 2002 |