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高端轻奢服装品牌 上海长期招聘









Rank: 1

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发表于 2016-4-13 12:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 zhongfashishang 于 2016-4-26 10:13 编辑 ! b  Z2 y7 t8 l% g7 I
  [8 y- U% `$ q5 r3 Y
Icicle is a company, founded in 1997 in Shanghai, specialised in high-end ready-to-wear.
+ c# C3 }% J3 d0 ^! {8 x7 ]: r" L# R3 Y- |0 Z" C6 d8 T7 L
In a minimal, chic and contemporary style, our firm enhances natural and eco-friendly fabrics,  to meet the aspirations of a “new Chinese” generation of  active urban generation, open to the world and concerned by environment care, wanting to feel and behave well.: m, m5 J( P0 M, }$ f5 ~

; L1 r# Q+ {! q% q! oWe offer an advanced contemporary fashion, with ethical sourcing and production methods, and designs influenced by Chinese philosophy’s deep relationship with the natural world. Brand values: respect for the nature, sustainable use of fabrics and dyes and an ethic at all stages of the production process, for a virtuous model that benefits everyone. 1 O! B" l) }% Q. @2 L

9 T$ k$ @$ r8 P/ o8 l9 Y: G! q( ?! ]The company is experiencing significant growth with now 200 stores in China in almost 80 cities, an annual growth rate of 40% over the past three years, 1,500 staff (21 based in Paris), 3 production facilities and 1 logistics hub in Shanghai.
: y% C9 `/ v7 e' q" ]9 k* H- Q4 l
2 I6 R' D6 m6 cWe are in the search for the following Shanghai based posts:0 s1 c- x* o7 p8 C- r% i
; g9 u& e  |5 L/ s
Senior Merchandiser/Merchandiser Manager         商品企划师
4 Y9 D( _/ ?  y9 o7 wStore Manager 店长
; |% S) N1 K! V) l( ~( p; YMerchandising Assistant 商品企划助理        0 t- i0 ]; x) |. r+ B/ |0 {7 E9 t3 x
Marketing communication Supervisor 市场营销及公关主管
2 s0 P$ E. O6 \Senior Graphic designer 视觉设计师       
1 w5 q$ i/ H+ X9 C  dAssistant designer 服装设计助理3 m' _, T7 y' n# S6 Z, G
Junior Digital designer 数码设计师        . v7 E1 ^8 U  G$ k3 D0 h0 ^
Designer 服装设计师: [; v9 b& H' n" j, G
Visual merchandiser/senior 视觉企划师       
* d! P% l& a+ c

. C4 \7 o4 N, |/ i) Q' ?If you are interested, please send us your English and Chinses CV : estelle.dupuy@icicle.fr/ P* i, s# \0 I% B
0 I! {! \/ R! P8 m
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