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《旅途脚印》| 修女——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2016-10-5 18:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
$ Z/ u$ A  Z8 V  ]
修女 | Missionary Nun
0 E, M6 C8 Q- u了呢?但今天我要赞美的这位修女,决不能用单纯的宗教来界定她的信仰。在我的心目中
8 p5 o$ M+ w3 t+ x$ a,她就是活生生的佛菩萨。她,就是驰名全球的修女——特蕾萨。
% c5 z9 |! ^6 X9 W& \4 g) f! `0 qUpon seeing this title, some of you may wonder: As a Buddhist, why am I suddenly interested in
9 N" T( J7 m0 f$ g9 g/ M' S1 c# \: laffairs of non-Buddhists? But the object of my admiration and respect today, a Catholic nun, is* c# Q/ u+ }2 t5 x" Y% f
beyond the simple definition of religious faith. In my heart, she is the living Buddha or a
; D; |. u! h$ J- OBodhisattva. This person, incidentally, is none other than the renowned missionary nun—Mother
; _& G+ U- G( e! _Teresa.
: P. {$ b5 S0 i2 J( u3 F# O她出身于一个具有良好教养的南斯拉夫家庭,从小受到天主教的教育,18岁前往印度的加& e4 j/ z- A7 v: c: d* Y; ~
尔各答,在一所拥有漂亮花园的修道院内,过着安定而舒适的欧洲式生活。6 L8 ]$ ^. S1 K1 X
Mother Teresa was born into a well-educated family from Yugoslavia and had attended Catholic1 s0 w" N! N" ^7 [& {; U7 H
schools since childhood. At the age of 18, she went to Calcutta, India, where she initially enjoyed  \  |2 {  a- I: \
an easy and comfortable European lifestyle in a monastery complete with beautiful gardens.) T. X9 J' I# U3 l" s
当她有一天发现修道院高墙之外人们的凄惨遭遇时,她再也不愿安于往日平静的生活,面3 g5 N8 j$ ]* c2 r: _+ {8 P' ?. m( m
( B6 Q% {$ D) v: i8 b, O! f极力反对,单枪匹马地走入贫民窟,勇敢地将世人的悲惨背在自己身上。用一双柔弱的双
$ y. s+ g0 H5 Y: f  x% i3 K$ `肩,挑起了拯救贫民的重任。( ^/ q6 [* {" y6 i- z6 Y6 X) J
One day, she discovered the utter misery of people living outside the tall walls of the monastery,8 }; M/ w; M& M3 p0 n- [" Y& f
and she could no longer live her peaceful daily life. When faced with scores of eyes desperately: K# m: l; b% L) ?: U
in want of care, she could no longer shut her own eyes. Driven by a strong sense of purpose and
0 d. s7 v" I/ ?, y% L; _" @7 w( vagainst the strong opposition of people around her, she ventured into the slum all alone. Bravely,$ n! u  h  C: H( L, j$ t4 Y
she carried on her back the pains and sorrows of beings in the world; with her frail shoulders, she
: k# u% ^( ^: s5 W" {' w% vassumed the heavy burden of rescuing the destitute from the slums.; C# ~5 H0 E# |$ T8 N6 a. C
! X3 j* O- T9 }$ A6 f* ~: P0 j候,特蕾萨走进了他的房间;当一个被人殴伤的酗酒者醉卧街头、无人问津的时候,特蕾. L7 V/ G6 w, n; c7 _, i5 U# n
$ `7 c% X* x1 E唾弃的时候,特蕾萨精心地为他包扎伤口,并用温暖的怀抱去迎接那颗濒临绝望的心……* v# A1 f8 H3 w* k; K
! w+ K9 X  V( C先后成立了一百多个替穷人服务的处所,在仅仅6年的时间里,就收留了61273个弃婴。
, R2 k; ?% P$ M1 a; H1 }. WAn utterly lonely old man was lying on a bed. No one had ever cared for him, nor did anyone ever
& G5 E9 A. K3 T% c% kheed whether he was still breathing. When the only visitor he could ever expect was the Lord of
$ Y" Z  U+ K6 R" |9 J+ ~& nDeath, Mother Teresa walked into his room. A drunk stretched out on the street, brutally beaten,
, o4 A4 p( r+ j9 j8 xand severely injured. When he could await nothing but indifference, Mother Teresa appeared! j# E. G2 \% }# Z; s
and helped him up, escorting him to the “House of the Pure Heart” she had established. A tramp* F1 y5 D* v( w& y! Y/ S. @
curved up on the roadside, his body covered with oozing sores and maggots. When he was
6 `7 y/ Y. R" `# k* Sreceiving nothing but spiteful looks and revulsion from passersby, Mother Teresa came and
4 R8 _+ [+ w; ~bound up his wounds tenderly; she embraced his heart of total despair and gave it warmth…. Her. F$ M+ x/ \1 J/ h
footprints covered more than half of the earth—Calcutta, Yemen, London, Melbourne, New York,; |& h: W# R' @" J6 H3 c( l! o" K) r3 [
even China. She founded more than a hundred charity agencies to serve the lowly poor. She took
! X; Q. m* H# J' [7 o: u4 H; P  Ein 61,273 abandoned babies in a period of merely six years.& }2 r' G0 ~0 X2 @8 @
( k0 x. F+ T: d$ A也使她在一夜之间成为了家喻户晓的人物。她除了将所有的奖金都用于慈善事业以外,还( ]0 u6 P/ d$ l
9 y8 V; b) Y& N3 j/ y" y( s支宴席费用的7100美元,赠送给了她所创办的“仁爱传教修女会”。! `2 M% t" @$ |2 v/ s4 l& I8 {" s  a
Her untiring efforts finally gained the recognition of the world. In 1979, she was awarded the
! d+ p9 q5 }; Nprestigious Nobel Peace Prize. Overnight she became a household name. But she donated all her: ^0 o/ ]9 p, S( D
prize money to charity. In addition, she specifically requested the Nobel Committee to forgo the
6 s% G0 G9 l* z: i+ F$ Ztraditional banquet in honor of the Peace Prize winner. The committee was impressed by her/ [6 b. g  O( \; A9 j8 G
spirit and contributed the $7,100 that would otherwise have been spent on the banquet to the
3 z" y6 O7 G6 [2 v/ Z  h  H- _; rMissionary of Charity that she founded.8 W# ?( W7 U: \- t$ |
7 C# s5 C& s# b1 ?$ f0 Q。在电脑等先进电器极为普遍的时代,她的住处除了电灯以外,唯一的电器用具就是一部) z2 B0 J% j4 Z2 K# U
电话。她将教皇赠送给她的一部林肯轿车拍卖,并用所得款项开办了一家麻风病院。- g$ H" `2 g$ x/ X8 U- d7 g& z
Although she had become a celebrity, she still maintained an extremely frugal and sparing life.
7 {& U, t" }8 J8 `- w( k1 d/ N- ?She owned only three sets of clothes; she wore no socks, only sandals. In an age of advanced5 H& L- C7 h$ b
electronics pervaded with computers and so forth, the only electrical equipment’s in her place0 x0 Y- h) N+ o
were a few lamps and a telephone. She sold a Lincoln Continental limousine, a gift from the2 s+ P6 b6 \1 v. z
Pope, at an auction and used the money to open a leprosy hospital.$ D0 a: l, G9 u0 |
虽然特蕾萨修女是天主教修女,却绝对尊重别人的宗教,每一位病人去世以后,都会遵照- S. N5 ?5 g' `) A  {
他的宗教信仰举行安葬仪式。9 E1 y/ J( Q/ Z. y* h6 ^
Although she was a Catholic nun, Mother Teresa had absolute respect for others’ religion. Every
1 Q8 j9 I: i+ B% |patient’s funeral is held according to that person’s religious faith.
5 G' K+ Q' j2 G5 o9 O- K5 t5 o她用平易近人的语气,向世人娓娓道来:“人活着,除了需要口粮外,也渴求人的爱、仁
4 Y4 {* i# F! _慈和体恤。今天,就是因为缺乏相爱、仁慈和体恤的心,所以人们的内心才会极度痛苦' @5 n* K" Q& c. h
。”+ @' G/ X! F2 X$ a+ ?1 ^
She touched the hearts of world with her friendly words in an easygoing and simple manner:. \' p# J' A/ o2 d5 {0 n) i
“There is hunger for ordinary bread, and there is hunger for love, for kindness, for
& L) Z8 l: G% e: F7 Z; Ethoughtfulness; and this is the great poverty that makes people suffer so much.”) x8 }$ p0 ]5 Z0 w( k0 C5 u
“饥饿的人所渴求的,不单是食物;赤身的人所要求的,不单是衣服;露宿者所渴望的," y  ~$ I1 L- L# [0 c
0 l% C  Z" w, e; v7 Q“Hungry not only for bread —but hungry for love. Naked not only for lack of clothing—but naked
( O, }! f9 \' A9 g$ c( ffor lack of human dignity and respect. Homeless not only for want of a room of bricks—but' G: G3 s% G; J! G- o( w% G
homeless because of rejection. Even the rich are hungry for love, for being cared for, for being
1 U. ^. |0 L: }( q5 n( o  X4 L  @wanted, for having someone to call their own.”3 `3 X5 z- k- N1 l8 _# |* i
. j6 d6 O3 S: U! b6 i: z+ K5 ]。”1 {- M' e8 v3 ^6 u1 N$ P
“The biggest disease today is not leprosy or tuberculosis, but rather the feeling of being
  U3 E5 f& p6 j0 Xunwanted.”) i+ ]) J$ N" ]0 d
“我上天堂不为别的,我是为了大众而上天堂,因为大众净化了我的心。”5 `+ N( O: H$ _
“I don’t go to heaven for anything else, I will be going to heaven for all the traveling with all the
+ n( C7 R' s6 m) {publicity, because it has purified me and sacrificed me and made me really ready to go to. ]2 D* F9 ?8 r$ U% l! h) @
& j2 Y/ q9 E7 M$ R“从细微的小事中体现博大的爱。我们要以挪威为中心,将爱传播到整个世界,让战争远" L3 s9 Z0 r! w" i
离我们。如此,那些待出生的婴儿就会欢叫着来到人间。我们把自己变成传播世界和平的4 c, E- I+ H6 P& c
4 b6 a7 T, i1 D7 n' F: \5 B“We have an opportunity to love others as he loves us, not in big things, but in small things with! A3 q8 d+ u# t
great love, so Norway becomes a nest of love. And how beautiful it will be that from here a
, z! v$ @) b) C, kcenter for peace from war has been given. That from here the joy of life of the unborn child- C3 b7 R$ \/ c  O
comes out. If you become a burning light of peace in the world, then really the Nobel Peace Prize
& f2 G6 A5 S. ]% B3 _5 ^is a gift of the Norwegian people.”
0 f; C% Y0 }; l* N0 y“我们感到所作的只不过是汪洋中的一滴水,但若欠缺了那一滴水,这汪洋总是少了一滴# j2 Q3 J3 ^; g) C  M9 _
( A, P7 N( S/ v2 T* y8 y9 R9 l“We ourselves feel that what we are doing is just a drop in the ocean. But the ocean would be5 [2 F6 v# l3 ?: g1 D
less because of that one missing drop. I do not agree with the big way of doing things. To us what1 G+ x5 ^3 P" t2 d
matters is an individual effort.”
7 v3 L. @) B1 U' {9 {7 v/ m! I" Q一滴水虽然微不足道,但只有若干个一滴水,才能汇成一股涓涓细流,给干渴的人送去一
+ C9 I* B3 s# Q, W- p' k丝湿润;
  [* a6 O0 V* p' ~7 t6 S3 X- zAlthough a tiny water droplet may not be worth mentioning, the gathering of a few droplets5 c, E6 o3 X* \
becomes a trickling rivulet, bringing some relief to those parched with thirst.* v% {- e  L. C% a0 m& u. r6 E& S
% K0 R$ x" P& D4 D! R温暖;- ^0 Y8 ^0 s% P3 I% b% H' p
Although a single yarn is insignificant, the combination of several yarns can be used to weave
9 u; K# S$ l( {  pcloth, bringing warmth to those shivering in the cold./ {3 t! Z. t4 S
一粒米虽然微不足道,但只有若干个一粒米,才能煮成一碗薄粥,给饱受饥饿的人增加一7 |! \9 c5 ?8 x& W, I
些能量。7 f/ p& l6 P5 y5 W+ ]
Although one grain of rice is hardly worth noticing, it is only by combining many grains of rice
# K: ]% }7 [! H7 s5 d1 p0 @$ Z( bthat there may be a bowl of porridge, bringing strength to those suffering from harsh starvation.* d7 w: v  J- q8 `
让我们像特蕾萨修女一样,放弃那些惊天动地的伟大创举,以“俯首甘为孺子牛”的精神* Y$ f* g; P  K  L  D4 h5 Q5 l  f
,从一点一滴开始做起吧!5 Y! p6 C- u+ x+ V' G" m
Let us follow Mother Teresa’s example. With a humble and willing spirit, we will give up the" I- q% X( `! N4 ]
ambition of doing earthshaking undertakings, but start serving mankind bit by bit.
, t0 _/ S( K$ B$ Q壬午年二月二十七日 & Q9 c  V3 r& e
" y7 [( B' G* l6 m27th of February, Year of RenWu
9 B6 `& j( J! A2 CApril 9, 2002+ o) ?; J! y! H: y$ W0 n4 I
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