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《旅途脚印》| 莲藕 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-11 20:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

$ z: m7 L  N' \+ u5 \0 L. R5 e
莲藕 | Lotus Root) ]9 J9 ~4 ]$ f
6 _8 t  r: W0 c( a( ?2 J0 i
/ T4 I- |8 k5 L8 O( Q1 E: V' k- v' s' p- w: ?) I
7 E! m! J) N! ~( W) p0 ]. h1 Y7 Y% _) R$ V5 m0 c" H
! e8 c# n  t' O' b; V7 M' n1 Z5 `# _% ~1 Y6 b- y

% Q4 m$ L7 m% L1 U3 C8 U
( w* w+ p6 V$ `0 Z6 g) h; ~: cMy friend bought several lotus roots and left them on the table. These whitish roots looked
" u+ U6 F  p. G' @. K8 X% n" Y! X7 Y8 B5 ~
tender and appetizing. To satisfy my curiosity, my friend told me about the growth conditions( _: A2 c6 I" G% ~9 q  W- K

5 `' b- S1 d+ `and usage of lotus root. I learned only after listening to him that the root has remarkable
( T2 |, A. p) S
# `' N4 ]. c; C5 D- b$ ~6 B; X6 zmedicinal value. Eaten raw, it clears heat and nourishes the lung, cools the blood and promotes! [" J. E1 Y8 R, u; F2 q4 A

  ?- q1 x5 y; U/ W# G$ I" k- ecirculation; eaten cooked, it tones the spleen and stimulates appetite, it is antidiarrheal as well3 M) d  _4 R  N6 [$ ~

: x; d2 i2 z+ P% |% e1 Z: Uas blood-enriching, mood-calming, and brain-invigorating; finally, it can promote a long, healthy+ s' V4 A7 a, d" q$ x4 l& A8 Z3 K

" C- d9 z" j- `life. I am happy to be in the company of such a knowledgeable friend. Confucius says: “We can; g" U( I, g; W! G

4 T% H4 ~& v' G4 ~9 Mlearn something from anyone.” I did learn a lot from him.
; I$ e+ b8 @! ]6 H' w$ W2 M' M* w. O) K: j( ~, I, W1 Z
藕生于污泥而一尘不染,中通外直,不蔓不枝,“中通”代表其谦逊的品德,“外直”代2 h# r# c% c/ g( z
' m" U8 c  h1 s+ A) S7 ^
" _( l& x/ [6 Y# q7 T+ ?
  U" J1 r7 C* y% v4 W8 c. I6 V+ L人们的喜爱。世间的很多名流都很喜爱它,诗人韩愈曾有“冷比霜雪甘比蜜,一片入口沉
1 M! [5 z3 D3 U
1 a) `3 x" [' T( k2 v; `* _疴痊”之赞。汉代司马相如的《上林赋》中也有“与波摇荡,奄薄水渚,唼喋青藻,嘴嚼
! x* T$ e/ U3 h: O  d) K
( L1 d$ N; }! r# w菱藕”的记载。

( d7 k+ j/ q. Z0 {$ h( K% }2 J* F
- a9 ]6 g: e# e& AThe lotus root grows in the mud but is unsullied; it is hollow and straight and has no lateral
' h( E6 ]6 |7 F" Q: C" j4 F' @1 t1 l/ T
branches or tendrils. The hollow center signifies its virtue of humility; its straightness symbolizes  i& @/ {8 M0 A. Y
5 A7 o3 p0 A2 G$ ~2 M
its upright and firm personality; its lack of lateral branches and tendrils illustrates it has no- S" i) b/ S$ u# @! o' P
. n/ ]0 l3 H0 O8 O6 M! _6 U
discursive thoughts or outward clinging. The lotus root has been well appreciated since ancient
' M  Z$ e* C+ w4 h: _2 k8 d& j) R" k0 g* |! Z" a' h. i3 C
times and it is very popular among famous personages. Poet Hanyu praised it in this way: “Cool
4 r" U7 v1 N+ A; p9 a' D
4 V+ r, e1 q5 t  f' s: ~as frost and sweet as honey, imbibe one piece and all ailments are gone.” Sima Xiangru of the
6 B/ u" M/ B4 j* T% \7 @: C' \0 x0 Q$ k" R
Han Dynasty had this description in his the Ode to Imperial Garden (Shanglin): “Flocks of water
% }6 d7 t# N( \. w
6 H; S! r% ~! {: c$ j) B  t  gbirds alight on the surface of the river and drift gently with the tide, some other birds perch on
$ E  N! u# N$ N0 C- u; o- L; P' `9 Q; y& ?
the sandy islets thick with weeds. They twitter and chirp while pecking at algae and water grass,+ O! o5 q: V' B+ F3 }
  B1 V! p0 |3 D. T  e
or enjoy chewing water chestnuts and lotus roots.”, L: I* ]7 ]# h- C' ^- P, I' I

4 S6 b3 f& D+ i: Z7 q同时,莲藕也是前辈许多修行人苦修时的食品。& _) Z) a. m2 {# L0 S
  v1 M( R1 F% X9 @7 d- h7 A
In addition, the lotus root was the food that had sustained many ancient practitioners through
8 j$ ^1 L/ T9 ~" I* y6 S" u! V. n" Q, t! ?
their ascetic discipline.
; B# c1 [* ^2 n# D* c. z, x! ?7 H1 w% a
《释尊广传》中曾记载,释迦牟尼佛在因地时,曾转世为一婆罗门,当他在山上苦修时,* z' t! z: m" h4 q2 R- D

8 _5 Z* z$ \$ j3 P! L+ g主要的食物就是莲藕。

# R- F1 m) U1 e& k
, h+ c/ D! b( t7 \( \2 BThe Great Biography of the Buddha tells that when the Buddha was a Brahmin ascetic practicing
* t* c- E, D' M5 U; E) |$ a/ G( p1 s+ f2 z
in the mountains, his main source of sustenance was the lotus root.
; ^6 i% c  e0 }9 a# o% l9 f  f! b& Z$ R; v7 {  {/ h& M: Q
莲藕真是好东西,具有不可思议的加持力。吃它,对身体有帮助;学习它的精神,对心有9 U0 {& t% q* }1 ]! P  ?
% k- {1 }5 \& A  O0 C8 j( R
帮助。可谓一举两得。世上还有什么食物比它更好呢?今后,我要多吃莲藕,因为它是佛" z; {. h' s0 w7 x( T
& O0 v( g: g: ]$ ]! F

  x2 U+ f4 E! U5 E  u: ^4 t# e: C% P
- d: j& b* _. B2 x0 KIndeed the lotus root is an amazing thing endowed with magical potency. Eaten as a food, it is a1 F7 G4 A6 b3 ?
* ^4 x8 @" [; L/ r+ ?
healthy diet; emulating its spirit, we are uplifted. What other food is superior to it, conferring1 p& R- L& @2 }* u

% W6 H4 ?) M! L+ T7 ~: l3 mtwo benefits in one? From now on I’ll eat more lotus root, as it is a food blessed by the Buddha.! A/ ?3 i9 r; y& H1 {

/ G" q$ R, }0 ~+ C+ Y  Y壬午年三月二十六日 $ d7 i' _( s* @

7 j! e: N( a* [( \2 {2 n! Y2002年5月7日
& E' j* S$ M  M/ f, Q0 |* A% O7 m* N& R0 N7 y# X$ c2 u
26th of March, Year of RenWu* q% |- K8 X/ k( v. M
$ L' H) s% S' b2 H- ~
May 7, 2002
& q3 ~9 O. {- M6 y3 I3 g# N  i








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发表于 2018-9-17 16:11 | 显示全部楼层
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% k3 N" E  y* N/ |/ a$ @" u
1 {3 B  f0 m$ ~8 _" f3 ?4 X9 Y
- z! K. ~2 Y) Y) w
! R; O" O" T. F3 W0 r7 X- C+ }

7 ]/ Y; C9 [, }( {; U( W
1 Z/ J8 B7 g" G3 p% D- P
) s/ x: z, F6 J8 _) ~/ U, V: t( w6 d" S: @; ^
# G' Q4 t- N7 o* g# c/ I
7 a# j0 Y4 l/ Z) s% K
, w- y' g, g, e. y
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