
英国伦敦华人网 - 英国伦敦第一中文门户网站



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招聘英国连锁餐厅门店经理Healthy fast food restaurant chain Manager









Rank: 1

531 点
0 £
发表于 2017-7-19 09:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 88JOBS 于 2017-7-19 09:44 编辑 3 Q5 p# X8 @' W

* w" [+ U% _- E) M6 F
招聘英国连锁餐厅门店经理Healthy fast food restaurant chain Manager
0 H( x* z5 A; N% M8 K$ G: p0 o
We are looking for an enthusiastic store manager for a rapidly growing healthy fast food restaurant chain  
. Z' e5 [6 `5 y& f- S# e3 l
你感兴趣吗?不要犹豫,感兴趣的赶快发送简历到我的邮件吧! →  sc@88jobs.com

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    : G) P% F: P+ t2 {0 }, I9 Y9 e$ Z
  • Accomplishes objectives by recruiting, developing, scheduling, and disciplining employees; communicating job expectations; appraising, and reviewing job contributions; enforcing policies and procedures.$ o- U' Q- {$ J# ~; u
    9 d- Q+ C1 F. K/ g( Z4 t: n% y
  • Meets financial objectives by estimating requirements; contributing information for annual budget preparation; initiating approved corrective actions; helping promote the restaurant; increasing sales; improving profits; Q8 G$ W/ t4 n- r5 H: v# \4 A4 E
    - n) x$ m% ?' ^/ L
  • Maintains flow of satisfied diners by maintaining kitchen production; monitoring order-taking and filling; responding to customer complaints and special requests.% j! F! Y# U5 _, _
    - E' x0 ]# ^3 o

    % x( P& X9 f+ I4 Z
  • Placing and receiving food and supply orders; minimising waste; directing and controlling food preparation and cooking procedures; ensuring that quality standards are met
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  • Maintains safe, secure, and clean work environment by following and enforcing standards and procedures; complying with sanitation and legal regulations.

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Required profile岗位要求

6 K" J/ r: X. ~: I. W# C
  • Restaurant Management: 1 year
  • Be patient and passionate about customer service
  • Good communication skills
  • Management Proficiency.
    2 j/ P6 p$ c4 k
3 ^8 w$ t4 O8 k  z
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Salary and benefit 薪酬待遇
6 n; _5 `/ v5 _% k8 p' ?4 b9 M
  • Circa £20,000 - £25,000 a year

    7 {, y; g- _4 b/ T. s; X8 M- F/ p8 f- ]
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Required language:语言要求

1 ?9 v! I- h; L( M  N" R7 |4 q
  • English  :   Bilingual spoken
  • Chinese  :  Bilingual spoken

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If your application is successfully progressed to the next stage of the recruitment process, you will be invited to take part in a short video interview

( N; B5 r6 U  G  |$ o
→  sc@88jobs.com
→ 我的微信公众号 : www88jobs
→ 88JOBS咨询电话 : +44 2080688367

3 a1 [' v, u) ^' k. c! U
快发送简历吧 !!!
88JOBS.com 汉外双语招聘网是一个非常年轻的招聘公司,在法国和上海都有分部,现在我们来英国啦 !你是88jobs在英国的第一批候选人。
- 为你提供完全免费的服务
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