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上海工作机会:Digital Commerce Agency招聘数字艺术总监









Rank: 1

531 点
0 £
发表于 2017-8-9 10:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
上海工作机会:Digital Commerce Agency招聘数字艺术总监,快来投简历试试吧!
( N/ J# Q8 P% ~
了解详情及发送CV至我的邮件 : sc@88jobs.com
88JOBS 汉外双语招聘网 is the leading European recruitment website specialised in bilingual Chinese jobs. Our mission is to provide a professional, friendly and overall, reliable service for those looking for work and companies looking for staff.
We are currently recruiting for a Full-time Digital Art Director required to join a altima°, a digital commerce agency based in Shanghai.

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  • Work across a wide range of web, mobile, campaign and social media projects
  • Create on-brand, on-strategy compelling creative/conceptual digital work
  • Partner closely with developers and project managers to ensure day-to-day deliverables are met
  • Manage creative team and ensure best quality work is delivered to clients
  • Research and prepare presentation materials
  • Articulate and present thoughts and creative ideas
  • Collaborate with multi-disciplinary teams to define user interaction and workflow
  • Manage time appropriately to meet established deadlines

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  • 负责网站、手机、比稿以及社交媒体项目
  • 创建品牌、战略上极具吸引力的创意/概念数字工作
  • 与开发人员和项目经理紧密合作,确保符合要求的日常交付成果
  • 管理创意团队,确保最优质的工作交付予客户
  • 研究并准备演示材料
  • 清晰呈现想法和创意
  • 与其他各团队合作,定义用户交互和工作流
  • 适当的时间管理,以确保既定的最后交付期限

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Required profile 岗位要求
Required Qualifications:
  • Minimum 2 years’ experience in designing digital work
  • Excellent presentation skills and interactive story telling ability
  • Strong people management and coaching skills to provide clear creative direction and to motivate and inspire jr creative teams
  • Understand user-centered design and development processes, with an emphasis on extending brands across a broad range of customer segments
  • Team-oriented with the ability to multi-task and meet tight deadlines
  • Advanced proficiency in Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator and/or Sketch
  • Portfolio up-to-date
  • UX centered approach of Design
  • Good PowerPoint skills
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  • 2年或以上设计工作
  • 优秀的演讲技巧和互动沟通能力
  • 较强的人员管理和指导技能,提供明确的创意方向,激励创意团队工作
  • 了解以用户为中心的设计和开发过程,强调在广泛的客户细分范围内推广品牌
  • 具有团队合作精神,能够完成多项任务,并能完成最后期限
  • 熟练掌握Adobe Photoshop and/or Illustrator
  • 具有最新的设计作品
  • 以UX为中心的设计方法
  • 熟练使用PowerPoint

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Preferred qualifications:
  • E-commerce design culture
  • Proficient in China AND Western digital culture
  • SEO & WA notions
  • Front-end development notions
  • Experience designing for marketplaces (e.g. Tmall, JD) or and Social Media (e.g. WeChat, Weibo)
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  • 具有电商设计背景
  • 精通中西方数字化设计的风格
  • 有SEO和WA概念
  • 具有前端开发概念
  • 有天猫、京东等平台设计经验,或者具有社交媒体设计经验(如微博微信)

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Salary and benefit 薪酬待遇

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  • According to your profil
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Required language:语言要求
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  • English   :   Bilingual spoken,written
  • Chinese  :  Natif
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If your application is successfully progressed to the next stage of the recruitment process, you will be invited to take part in a short video interview
→ 我的微信公众号 : www88jobs
→ 88JOBS咨询电话 : +44 2080688367
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快发送简历吧 !!!
88JOBS.com 汉外双语招聘网是一个非常年轻的招聘公司,在法国和上海都有分部,现在我们来英国啦 !你是88jobs在英国的第一批候选人。
- 为你提供完全免费的服务
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8 Y- c0 u" L1 V# z. k* E. ^7 ~
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