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我们在查学校录取要求页面的时候,经常会遇到TOEFL/IELTS Waiver Policy,即语言考试豁免政策。一般情况下,对国际生来说,合格的语言成绩是每个申请者都必须要提供的材料,但如果你符合一下几种情况,那么你就有可能向学校申请免语言要求。9 H/ i0 t3 G( F; Q" z
哪些情况下可以申请免语言考试,英国论文人教育网小编告诉你!: e% R' z/ N1 i
1.母语是英语/ e- ]% _" [) ?. N
如果申请者是英语国家的公民或者永久性居民,语言考试要求一般可以免除。英语国家一般是指英语是官方语言的国家,一般包括英国,美国,爱尔兰,澳大利亚,新西兰,加拿大(魁北克省除外)等。需要注意一下,香港,新加坡,菲律宾虽然官方语言中有英文,但来自这些国家或地区的申请者一般是无法免除语言要求的。4 C- t/ h! S U( C3 _
英国内政部规定的majority native-English speaking countries名单如下:
' |! b3 {1 W' U* g* Q, C8 t: E6 J+ o Antigua and Barbuda. D( A( f3 ^$ f, p" r* A) X" G) E- T
Australia: x, l H6 X9 y& p! S! n
the Bahamas
# A2 C9 k4 E6 A- V0 w2 x! C5 m Barbados
$ f* k/ c# ?" I Belize( S/ b) k! h K
Canada+ D5 W- h: z' C1 X, p
+ ?& O# g# k* G# f Grenada* O+ e" C* t' O$ p$ f( L! f
4 W1 a1 Y$ L, i9 {& l% g+ { Ireland
" a" i: C8 l+ F% U8 V( X Jamaica) i' ~4 V4 o w- x
New Zealand
~4 ?# {) Q# q! m6 K5 O St Kitts and Nevis
6 w7 m# a+ h2 c& U) p) r: h St Lucia
+ Z, ? Z7 u3 R) D3 U; N7 M St Vincent and the Grenadines
/ O' S) W# r, T6 _/ h5 L Trinidad and Tobago
' [4 @7 T7 A7 G9 I UK
, w; U- L" b3 | b USA
# ~9 u& S) X G5 J. u- R 2. 本科阶段是在英语国家就读并最终获得了学士学位
7 [, Z: ~( ^2 g G5 _/ l9 f 申请者如果是在英语国家完成并获得bachelor degree,那么可以不用提供语言考试成绩。如果本科是在非英语国家完成,硕士是在英语国家完成,这种情况一般是可以免除语言要求的,但需要和学校确定是否可以免除语言要求。密歇根州立大学安娜堡分校关于这点的要求如下:$ C0 I/ B, M; k( @* z8 J8 U: y
If you completed a Master’s degree that was strictly research and no academic classes, that degree does not meet the exemption. This type of Master’s degree is generally awarded at a non-U.S. institution.% x8 b- N/ G0 H) U, a$ e& D) V
; `2 ]8 L! D: L5 \# P" `$ C- t 国内有很多中外办学的学校或学院,例如宁波诺丁汉大学,西交利物浦大学,北京邮电大学的国际学院,电子科技大学的格拉斯哥学院等,就读于这些学校或学院的学生在毕业的时候会获得两个学位证书,这些学生申请的时候能否免语言需要看申请学校的要求。一般来说,很多学校会有一些限制条件,比如UCL要求申请者在入学前的两年内,在英语国家完成了至少1年的学业,学生提供相应的成绩单,这种情况是符合免除语言要求的条件的。, D2 \, v `2 W# A% E4 ]6 V$ X5 I
completed a minimum of twelve months education in a country that UCL considers to be 'majority English speaking', no more than the summer two years prior to the proposed date of enrolment;0 N# @1 [- D: u
也有学校会要求在英语国家完成了至少2年的学业才可以申请免语言。比如UIUC就是这样要求的:3 v! V4 A5 a$ a, s% M
Completion of at least two years of post-secondary full-time study, as defined by the home institution, in a country where English is the primary language and at an institution where English is the primary medium of instruction, within five years of the proposed term of initial enrollment at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.8 Y* {; o" ?3 j% f
如果学生本科都是在国内读的,最后拿到了中外两个学位证书,这种情况一般是不可以免除语言要求的,但具体还需要和申请学校进一步确定。3 f3 s( x* A8 O) M9 s5 P3 a- S- U
4 z/ H) g* a* L# m 有一些学校会对在英语国家有2年以上工作经验的申请者提供语言豁免,但需要提供相关证明,比如公司领导出的推荐信或者公司出的证明文件。新南的要求如下:6 a4 a- _4 @' y. e0 a! X8 e
Directly relevant work experience for at least the last 2 years
4 H0 U u6 J7 h8 K7 S You must have participated in directly relevant work experience (or equivalent discipline practice) using English. This indicates that you have been immersed in the language conventions, vocabulary and practices of the discipline, which are not tested by the English language proficiency tests listed in the table above, but should serve as appropriate preparation if admitted to study at UNSW.0 j1 N& N; W2 p
You will be required to submit a letter from your employer on company letterhead, which states:
; X2 b, f- P" g: C The position title
/ K9 s9 N1 O- b0 H3 L' L+ x The duties undertaken
8 ~, c G9 J2 {* y; ?, h$ x, J The level of English spoken i.e. how was English used (written, verbal etc) and to what level was English used! E- W# n, d. }; U5 I, L
) w, Y C8 E% O$ v6 n6 y Completion of at least two years of professional work experience in a country where English is the primary language within five years of the proposed term of initial enrollment at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
/ R( Q( C6 M1 V3 o 符合以上要求的学生,在申请的时候可以和学校核对一下是否符合免语言的要求。也有学校对语言要求非常严格,比如Duke University,就要求如果母语不是英文,就必须提供标准化考试的成绩。+ z5 o3 n9 l2 B- h
If your first language is not English, you must submit scores from the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) test.
$ t* X, X: O' g9 t! ? 每个学校可能对于是否能够豁免语言有不同的要求,申请者需要仔细查看admission page,不清楚的地方需要提前和学校的研究生院联系,来确定是否可以免除语言要求。英国论文人教育网整理(http://www.educationren.co.uk)
$ G3 }/ I8 y7 e" M
" g; f# s+ |7 j" m/ s$ W0 {9 |) P+ L- p; s$ }6 `; I( g6 }! U