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发表于 2017-8-25 15:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
伦敦​- 上海 - 巴黎 | 88JOBS这次把工作机会带到了欲望都市——纽约!

( X% l% E6 P6 h* D
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9 }  |1 `& t0 h5 v

+ T% @1 l' H6 Z
了解详情及发送CV至我的邮件 : sc@88jobs.com

7 T9 s3 f; L' {6 w1 Z

' ]# J; _2 G  W; i* {6 s6 r6 L+ x' U

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Our client is a French Fashion House based in Paris and has stores around the world: NY Madison, Aspen, London, Paris and Russia. This brand express the creativity and expertise of fashion and luxury “à la française” through 6 lines of collection: Women, Men, Kids and several licenses with high potential worldwide.
$ Y% |6 g0 X! Z0 g$ R& J* o4 c9 R2 J% T& D
7 G9 V% n# M8 h' |4 m8 K
5 ]+ r: w7 w: B! UWe are hiring a sales associate in our NY Woodbury store. As an ambassador of our Fashion house, you will develop the turnover with ambitious sales objectives on Women, Men and Kids lines.
# e! P- b* J  ?0 m+ Y# V" b% s+ k
Your main missions will be:
& g1 {/ J4 ^0 o  j# gTo welcome and identify the clients and their needs.# J! \/ S; P! C" y% `1 S5 U$ z
To create and retain customers through a perfect customer service and behavior.
4 _. r: o  {' O! E7 _To help in organizing stock room and upcoming shipments from the French warehouse, and also national and international transfers to other stores.' k" q) I+ D$ y7 N
To transmit the core values of our brand and participate to the development of the brand image.! I+ z2 g6 F- k8 S( a

  ?+ |  N  R. R8 F, m/ rYour responsibilities:: l. d+ X) a1 J% Q
To optimize the turnover and sales by presenting and selling the collections to the clients.
( t. g6 y& g- e* J1 Q& p# K: v) uTo follow the needs of the client from the beginning to the end of the sale.1 p1 X5 Q& h" f) J, Q
To keep a permanent contact with the client during the whole sale process.- v; s+ c* H# M  r7 a
To propose action plans to make our client database stronger.
7 [5 R" Q0 w2 g! G0 bTo participate to the merchandising inside the store
7 r+ b9 J; y  Z2 I& a; Z  {5 e0 @- ~0 c5 d7 r) N- T# s, X; z% I
Profil recherché岗位要求
  L  }% |, q1 E% C3 d& G
3 f4 B, q2 O2 a8 {0 H. R9 a" ]
2+ years retail experience4 Y! T4 }, @6 v
Excellent organization skills: \8 |; G5 C2 n" G
Customer service skills
$ _5 Q# [7 P: r4 h- IFamiliar with Excel, Word and Internet1 t4 g2 _$ h7 f
Significant Luxury Sales and Clientele Experience
- x; a; u: v' ]$ [1 s$ J- K. ^" m* T- F% y
Salaire et avantages薪酬待遇
: m3 l& q' ?) z* Y! D
5 @7 [6 I: ]3 Y; N  w# r+ E+ zFull-time job
: S: k7 e9 e2 ?7 K& wJob location: NY Woodbury
& Q1 M$ E0 r6 t' k& p" b2 M
& [, v4 D' |* u. Z- h" f# {# q- f4 VNiveaux de langues requis语言要求
) ]% y+ T6 q/ M2 K8 T+ B( L0 W5 Q7 e3 v1 ?) [  I& G) a( f
Anglais :   Bilingual spoken,written; f3 E" U- }" N. [
Chinois :   Bilingual spoken,written
3 U2 @* W6 x1 x* n! t9 {3 @: N3 H  w; T, @3 t; m
→  sc@88jobs.com" k0 C& [* ^( z
→ 我的微信公众号 : www88jobs
7 T4 c! Z: I$ n# ~0 _* Y- L/ ^" }→ 88JOBS咨询电话 : +44 2080688367
5 ]8 h, g& i& N3 ]3 Z" R

# y+ t" Y6 @) Q# S0 s3 g1 |  m在找工作的小伙伴们可以关注88jobs网站和微信公众号,88jobs有不同的工作岗位供您选择。  M2 _' ~+ O% l3 @
快发送简历吧 !!!; H! }* V$ u; |, Y/ ?, g6 ]
88JOBS.com 汉外双语招聘网是一个非常年轻的招聘公司,在法国和上海都有分部,现在我们来英国啦 !你是88jobs在英国的第一批候选人。
& I& ]( N% M0 P" o# I5 h: a- 为你提供完全免费的服务
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