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( b1 [6 V& j" b* L( v6 K
战争 | About Wars
( \" k0 N# T2 `1 i: H: c- F
- B! A" P7 ], [; E+ A; I& l. Y; Y
没有智慧的人,妄想通过战争而获得快乐与平安。但自古以来无数的惨痛教训,都足以证  B2 W$ V5 x' `9 y5 Y3 O: N

; U7 @5 F8 S. x! ~! H% c, T明这种念头是荒唐的。

' W5 \  |3 \# |6 W. f. O& j- v
# ]6 u& @( g0 n% M: {Due to lack of wisdom, some people covet to attain peace and happiness by means of waging) _* [4 M* w/ p2 w( Q

3 y) l( `. E/ k9 mwar. Yet numerous harsh lessons from time immemorial only prove the absurdity of this notion./ J5 Z  \0 u6 h( n9 ?# h0 _3 ]! T

& u2 X9 O" b) T) l3 _的确,如果战争仅仅是口头的谈资,或电视上的消遣新闻,人们是不会有切身感受的。但
4 y% ^0 `' O. G, u4 m' I
! {" o+ o( _& g是,如果亲身饱尝了战争之苦的人,一想起战争,就会为之战栗。悲心强烈的人,更会有) r- }# [, V0 O6 q# q* \5 y
4 a( h0 F. f8 e2 t, Y: N3 V
' I9 n+ F2 o2 `7 @: `8 t

* j/ U( S$ K7 t2 \5 _Indeed, if one relates to war only at the level of talking or watching the news on TV as0 K7 \6 S" V8 f7 {1 }* Z2 s

/ {0 l# n; y3 @# Y9 }1 ientertainment, one will never have any feeling that hits close to home. On the other hand, one
$ J  ~% p3 P; z' d0 O2 Z/ U
' @3 H: v7 t- z& rwho has suffered the miseries of war personally and fully will shudder at any recollection of it. In5 w% K: d$ c$ p. A) p

) ]/ F+ O3 x+ g9 q* xaddition, people who have a strong compassion will also experience a keenly felt pain.
* n6 f: a6 q0 [& M$ b7 T: s& H. U4 R' V
战争给每个人的心灵,留下了难以愈合的创伤;给美丽的河山,留下了无法弥补的痕迹;' Y! D, N3 j/ `$ Y

" c- v3 H$ ~4 A给历史的白纸,留下了猩红的篇章……
! s% |4 k% g2 r( j  _' d

6 B' W) J  R+ f) U8 |5 gWar inflicts trauma that is beyond healing in the hearts of many; war causes damage that is
- e4 ?9 D# C) ?- y! G' i, @2 w" H% t' U* R
beyond repair to beautiful landscapes; war smears bloody chapters over the white sheets of8 l1 I2 e4 D; Q4 c& |

3 o, x6 A4 Q" D+ G4 ~history…
1 C  Y6 M9 M$ \, n2 \. f
9 S! l+ j0 C2 m1 C& _( b# T3 M战争使无辜百姓长期忍耐不得安宁的生活,遭受家破人亡的巨大痛苦。巴以战争已持续了0 L% b$ t0 v9 z% a
1 }2 r) o/ q& }" M( ^5 T  X: x! h
/ ?& x* f3 C$ t' w0 u" y; n* V
: u' w) j# o: Q. |- C4 a) y以计数的家庭妻离子散……这一切只不过是为了满足一些人掠夺财富、争夺地盘、获取地  o$ q' e- s) B  V& J9 Z% K0 g5 D
9 T, a7 v$ J1 m1 G9 L
位的目的。, m1 {. }0 h1 D( L( {" g3 q0 J: F' h

5 M1 j6 A% L6 ^1 `7 a# P# |( q# sBecause of war, innocent people have to endure living in long-term commotion and unrest, and) \( p; [% v1 z% g1 t
% T  A# A' S6 q4 k. d) d* I
suffer the tremendous pain of losing houses and families. The war between Israel and the: p5 Q* z9 y) s' q

! @1 \/ K/ c: M+ y/ v6 W' MPalestinians has dragged on for more than 20 years; 40 million refugees are without homes.- n. v6 k3 W, @& [3 G
3 ]1 f& g" n( _( ~
Flames of war have been raging everywhere in Afghanistan, millions are forced to leave their8 C( z' N: n) a* z5 L* X
$ j2 V9 j2 Z( u
homes and become destitute. In China, during the eight years of the War of Resistance, countless
1 u( _5 O2 H' T6 i; q
$ M: |: t$ R4 Q$ R/ [5 w: Kfamilies were crumbled and loved ones scattered apart…. All of this was brought about because a- q( j( n8 T& p. Z2 m( i4 X
. I! N" f/ L* c
few people craved to satisfy their ambitions of plundering possessions, of appropriating land, or
1 g: I  F0 k8 _+ }! \
1 z# ?5 K+ r% X7 e. b: jof seizing power.
) C4 W4 d" X  x6 Z3 |) n9 [( ^: w1 l) X& c6 ]4 @; o
+ L- I( d$ q1 ^4 K- {5 d2 z
$ _7 N2 b) a. s) ISome fools even contrive to make big bucks through dealings in war; they are totally ignorant of
9 F% z+ \. S, h1 _1 |7 l6 X' }  f4 Y1 g
the dire consequences that will soon befall them.
6 q( j9 p9 h. \6 n$ }( r( |: m' L
  k% \) K0 ?: S  g) ~/ z大至国家之间的冲突,小到家庭成员之间的争论,都是智慧匮乏的表现。尤其是修行人," w4 J: m- U: o
& P7 u2 V5 [& x9 i: c, n7 w& ^
, ]: s) s6 y8 s6 S1 D  e
! `9 f* j/ p: J) a+ D由旬。”因此,我们应当远离一切战争及争执,到寂静的地方,为世界和平而祈祷
* T4 C% w7 c/ m- ]# }5 Q, K; Z
- n9 Z# [- l# b
All kinds of conflicts, from the major ones between countries to the trivial ones among family; `' E$ }* S* }! B3 _, x  n
  T& ?- U& P- E$ ~* N" o* S5 b
members, are but manifestations of lacking wisdom. Spiritual practitioners, in particular, should
5 F" s( G# `* @- f! G$ p8 S' }) |/ ^, r
stay away from conflicts. Lhala Chodri Rinpoche, in his biography of the Omniscient Longchen/ Q) S! E; z/ d2 @) k6 M! \
; K$ v1 x! B% w) W9 j  C3 ^
Rabjam, cites this scripture: “Wherever there is dispute, you should stay one hundred miles away' y# M% K+ }6 g% `2 k/ l) Y+ P

% d0 a  f) y6 ]) A* t# afrom it.” Therefore, we must keep wars and conflicts away; let’s settle into a secluded place and
& }7 n7 {: ~) Q9 E$ N
& c1 S) i& `9 Z5 }/ ^/ u7 q$ \7 Jpray for world peace.* V; N( s7 p  y, n6 s  C8 Z$ C
' k, x9 R# m' l5 V& }- m4 p
壬午年三月初六  3 ^$ l( x" I' b2 D1 Y4 G& P

. J  `' W: p0 w3 b: N2002年4月18日, v0 q6 c2 f9 P; {

, P. U) i5 k* D* n7 [: X5 P2 G6th of March, Year of RenWu3 k$ R4 ?$ q; |! C. ^4 H, B9 z

2 ^) W& A2 l* d+ T0 \" BApril 18, 2002
  S3 j! V. Z! y
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