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《旅途脚印》| 五四 ——索达吉堪布









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发表于 2017-1-7 20:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
+ ~9 e/ h. p5 q! O  H: K' \
五四 | May 4th" a- K  f% m: J3 r% a4 T2 u

7 R1 V, h% {6 i; K今天是“五·四”青年节,从1919年五四运动至今已经历了近百年的历史。随着时代的变
! [; V1 m. V( [- y  i8 K0 B
3 ]; H2 _, \& A4 M迁,青年们早已不必再为反封建、反压迫而战,他们以各种形式庆祝着这一节日。7 {1 p+ V- C( m* ~, `
& R  y: ^' |8 A. m
Today is Youth Day; it was more than a hundred years ago when the May 4th Movement shook5 X* b/ O1 C- b0 G

( A8 H/ f8 x- S3 u0 }/ S1 |, Vthe nation in 1919. As time goes by, however, young people these days no longer emphasize
8 W, d" Z& S7 H& e6 ]5 F; Z3 E" }- H
fighting feudalism or oppression as their earlier peers did. Instead, they choose to celebrate their  g  w+ }0 y; ^8 D

0 t. u0 b& [1 m5 Vday in various ways.5 T4 W& y5 w5 J
: [; i; k+ b4 d9 z/ n
我也加入了一帮有很多青年人组成的行列,举行了一次大规模的放生活动。三艘船承载着! |' {+ G) x3 G* m" c
/ @, K& V* q; b! g. @
饱受死亡恐惧的海底居民,浩浩荡荡地驶往深海,除了厦门本地的信众,来自各地寺院、# w/ Q8 g5 U& m) l2 Z# O. p

; y% ^' d. ~2 o6 E; C* ]佛学院的出家人,福州、台湾、香港等地的居士,约200名道友都参加了这次放生活动,出. X1 M" e4 y+ u: f5 [
) D* R5 K- t1 Y1 V* y) H3 t8 v
: N8 S+ d9 c+ _; y1 R) Y7 T* n5 u: ]8 X7 F6 I/ k- V+ k
7 J% A1 z, U/ \* u2 j" V
( G4 t9 ^+ g4 y7 E
I found myself in the company of young people to carry out large-scale life liberation. Three ships3 l( x% |9 B) L1 Y- v7 o; e0 T
  d6 w- [& f2 U; D+ B2 S
loaded with many sea creatures whose lives were once at grave stake sailed off the coast in an
, {/ H0 n% X0 \5 x4 _- ?& m: x6 F8 _6 Z2 |3 `
impressive formation. The 200 or so participants included local Buddhists from Xiamen, monks
" g: D# |; d+ j* A. U; W$ n! V0 {% l0 }* z+ h* x: E4 x; {% f7 }5 w& q7 h
and nuns from nearby monasteries and Buddhist Academies, as well as lay practitioners from! E& K3 N, j- h' N  R
1 ~  \# b% N2 d1 O
Fuzhou, Taiwan, and Hong Kong. Against the blue sea, the maroon and yellow monastic robes# a! T: l! m7 K! l" y( j% [

9 m+ C% k. ^1 wand laities’ attire of various colors stood out vividly and brightly. It was quite a beautiful sight to  Z& [# j* F7 {

" `2 A/ r, A* Hbehold.& C3 ]  Q0 e6 r7 a% \" y; w
! v# M6 p6 `5 u2 X1 l
在我身居其中的四个月期间,每当午餐和晚餐之时,窗户外面时常会漂来宰杀海鲜的血腥  W, Y! p4 h) _0 [0 c
5 q& F2 }1 b4 o1 p- A' j6 _( k4 Y( R
* F+ P+ W" M, y1 F0 a$ Q6 [  F7 S% p# l
些可怜的鱼虾从屠刀下解救出来一直是我们未了的心愿。虽然今天解救的生灵与整个城市+ Q9 }( |8 e7 q3 G& j; K3 Z# [! R% v) ^
$ E0 C# f2 G5 d( }: f$ I5 u

: m# a( ]7 W8 _$ S4 z  Q; N; l* y- ?; Q% p/ \) n# X
During my four-month stay in this coastal city, at lunch or dinner time the stench of seafood
, r8 Z: a# d2 Y9 E; L2 J& n' z, F- O( u6 E, b
being prepared often wafted through the open window, polluting the fresh air of the shore, and, c7 _! g! T( o9 n

7 ~6 U( C8 n2 D* R. a2 O# a+ \making my friend, also from Tibet, and me lose our appetites. We have long wished to save the  [7 f$ v/ m2 m8 [- s

9 g6 Q& H1 z6 a( h" ppoor fish, shrimp, and so forth from meeting their ends at the knife, it is only today that we have/ {) p% S! P. f, M% i, v$ a

; R. Y. J% s: P% a' h9 ~come to fulfill it. Even though the number of lives we are saving is incomparable with that of4 B% H* N. c. o  u+ R& `

" J' q! F( e& l2 G/ W( U. Fbeing killed in the whole city, we are still grateful for the opportunity.9 l* R1 W* L; N

- |8 ^6 E! n1 U0 W- ]# n记得曾有一县令名曰潘公,在他上任期间,制定县规命令百姓不得入江湖渔捕,犯者加罪
: Z$ W# ?( A. |: `" e( r0 P
) r, O1 S7 y6 n+ k+ R4 B& }" B6 g。当他后来去任时,水中发出号呼之声,如丧考妣。当地人听到后,莫不叹异。不知道什
1 V) j8 t  T0 m, F$ {
+ i0 A8 e$ a: G$ p么时候厦门也能有这样的好县令,也能使这些生灵免受刀俎之苦。不过,此地的放生之风
: Y8 F5 d% \  T4 m# X, n6 V: B- s4 s  t. Y$ C9 p  o
. p1 X( z9 Q& N+ k* R1 O: W6 ]& v
; }, j0 ~# \) _: L益兴盛,继而流传下来的。

5 z  S  K# u( ~  l, B) G$ c) D, i9 \3 @' ]5 t
There was once a county magistrate name Poon Gong who forbade his subjects from catching. w+ U% V! x' F( `. t4 r- ]$ l
; ^  L6 t# s/ B" p
any live fish by instigating severe punishments for perpetrators. Years later when he was about
- u& s% s9 A0 ]5 m" T' U6 `. ~) v6 M2 I. h8 J
to leave his official post, a wailing sound as grief-stricken as if one’s parents had been lost was) l; ^" F, p. E
# `0 [% V. W: i* U; n
heard from the waters, filling people’s hearts with sadness and amazement. I often wonder
; ]' Z$ B" V7 ]9 d7 [" o1 _1 I, H# |* a+ H0 ?! {
when such a benevolent county magistrate will appear again in Xiamen such that many beings
+ o5 j% f7 J& h, F. E0 F
, q+ r7 A1 @7 o+ o9 Gwill be saved from going under the knife. Nonetheless, the practice of lifesaving has been well7 J2 X! l; K. B0 L6 H. f

* F& _  _/ R, t- C& kaccepted here, due largely to, I was told, the free distribution of 10,000 booklets of The Merit of- M- i# O; q5 q: o/ ~/ r

' Z1 [7 r( z: F( x+ \Releasing Live Beings by an aspiring layperson. The tradition thus has gradually flourished and7 U* L$ P  |& R; L" q) E

# g; ?( j6 G$ e. wcome down to this day.
7 I" ^  ]- p* W  R# B4 G" h' C: X
; L& r( _" K  a3 `据说这是当地近年来规模最大的一次放生。不管规模大小,至少,这也是我们为这些生灵
$ U8 v- V: d, O  R9 _& O
; s' h+ k" c: R- P7 f7 h反对压迫而举行的一次抗议。善无大小,唯贵久长,日日增之,月月累之,但愿百年以后7 M3 q2 ~! n: g. ~$ l1 R9 v

* X. Y) `' p4 b& r$ \1 P,生灵涂炭的悲剧不会再上演了。

9 N' f- m: K( S+ B% g5 E1 o
9 ^3 m# w' f; P8 o* t% e" dToday’s lifesaving activity reportedly is the largest one in recent years in the area. Regardless of
4 @2 g$ [( {5 j: H) e: f1 J6 C$ l9 m6 c3 b0 Z- g: z% h
whether the magnitude is large or small, at least we have made a revolt against oppression on, v- \4 G* v* [; B" a; a, ?

8 F% Y# j4 {" t. Z/ o" Obehalf of these sea creatures. The value of good deeds depends not so much on their scale but
7 [+ w; V; l4 k8 o5 C' N! x% R* j
7 m% a; v4 O6 M7 u% A! emore on their consistency. When virtues are practiced daily and enhanced monthly, we hope" C9 ]+ R$ M( i

# J: Q" q& U0 K) f9 s. Ithat one hundred years from now, the tragedy of taking other beings’ lives will no longer exist.4 ~4 h6 X: X- ?! v* r; N7 ^4 X5 {

# ?0 X8 X0 R) f! c( O! a+ }壬午年三月二十三日 
( t/ G) u/ Y+ i; ]
& c: e# @+ Q+ G2002年5月4日
  % \  B: ^7 T1 Z

) a4 m% L$ T3 Q5 P/ \23rd of March, Year of RenWu
6 d1 a; k. q' G' B5 z+ Z0 K# F5 d6 p, M% G
May 4, 2002
1 o' D' Y9 ~5 d6 d6 v& S+ C
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