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Mainland stresses one-China principle in relations with Taiwan

2016-7-18 06:43| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 17| 评论: 0|原作者: Gu Liping|来自: Xinhu

摘要: A Chinese mainland official on Sunday warned that recent behavior of Taiwan authorities had increased uncertainty in the region."We have noticed that the current Taiwan authorities attempted to sideli ...

A Chinese mainland official on Sunday warned that recent behavior of Taiwan authorities had increased uncertainty in the region.

"We have noticed that the current Taiwan authorities attempted to sideline and break off political, economic and cultural links between the two sides of the Strait through certain policies and actions," said Zhang Zhijun, head of the State Council Taiwan Affairs Office, at the fifth World Peace Forum in Beijing.

This situation has led to suspension of cross-Strait communication mechanisms and increased uncertainty and risks, Zhang said.

The two sides have suspended the regular mechanism between cross-Strait affairs departments, as well as the consultation mechanism between the mainland's Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and the Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF).

Tsai Ing-wen of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won the island's leadership election in January and took office in May.

Taiwan's current leader and her administration has not recognized the 1992 Consensus, which upholds both sides of the Taiwan Strait belong to one China, shaking the political foundation for cross-Strait interaction, Zhang said.

The 1992 Consensus clarified the nature of cross-Strait relations and laid a solid foundation for cross-Strait ties and stability in the region, he said.

Regardless of the political parties in Taiwan and their past opinions, once they uphold the 1992 Consensus and identify with its core value, the mainland will develop exchanges with them, he said.

Zhang also called on the international community and other countries to continue to support the one-China policy and China's effort to safeguard peace and stability across the Strait and realize national reunification.



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