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CPC to boost presence in primary, middle school education

2016-7-25 13:02| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 20| 评论: 0|原作者: Gu Liping|来自: Xinhu

摘要: Communist Party of China (CPC) organizations at various levels have been told to strengthen "Party building" in elementary and middle schools and integrate their work into all aspects of the schools' ...

Communist Party of China (CPC) organizations at various levels have been told to strengthen "Party building" in elementary and middle schools and integrate their work into all aspects of the schools' education and operations.

A circular jointly released on Friday by the Organization Department of the CPC Central Committee and the Ministry of Education said that Party organizations should effectively participate in school decision-making and supervision, and Party officials and school administrators should cooperate and even switch posts.

"Efforts should be made to improve a mechanism for decision-making, communication and coordination, and education-related Party units should enhance their guidance, supervision and inspection over Party work in primary and middle schools," it said.

It urged the schools to establish Party groups based on their number of Party members and school size, stressing that equal attention should be paid to planning, implementation and evaluation of the schools' Party work and education.

"A key mission for Party work in these schools is to manage student morality and ideological thinking of the faculty ... guiding faculty to strengthen political identification and their sense of obligation to foster talent," it said.

The document also encouraged the allocation of more personnel, funds and materials to schools in remote rural areas and those lacking Party presence.


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