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Chinese FM meets Ecuadorian counterpart on boosting strategic cooperation

2016-10-6 14:12| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 46| 评论: 0|来自: Xinhua

摘要: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his Ecuadorian counterpart Guillaume Long in Quito on Tuesday and they agreed on furthering strategic cooperation. China and Ecuador, as two developing count ...

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi met with his Ecuadorian counterpart Guillaume Long in Quito on Tuesday and they agreed on furthering strategic cooperation.

China and Ecuador, as two developing countries, share similar historical experiences and are now faced with the common goal of development, Wang said.

Saying the China-Ecuador relationship is experiencing an unprecedented high, the Chinese foreign minister said that China and Ecuador, with mutual trust and support, have entered a new stage of development and achieved fruitful results in all fields.

China is willing to further enhance the all-round and in-depth development of bilateral relations, he said.

Long, for his part, praised China's support and positive contributions to Ecuador's economic and social development.

Ecuador is willing to deepen cooperation with China for the early realization of the country's industrialization and economic diversification, and the sustainable development of the strategic partnership between the two countries, Long said.

The two sides agreed to maintain closer high-level exchanges, and expand and deepen strategic cooperation.

Both countries hope to tap their respective advantages in economic complementarity to upgrade bilateral pragmatic cooperation in the fields of energy, hydropower and infrastructure.

The two countries also agreed to enhance coordination and cooperation on major global issues including sustainable development, and safeguard the common interests of developing nations.

During a joint press conference after the pair's meeting, Wang said China fully understands Ecuador's pursuit of accelerating industrialization and economic diversification, and is able to provide equipment, technology and personnel training during the process.

China will be Ecuador's most reliable and ideal cooperation partner on its path toward development and prosperity, Wang said, adding that China has confidence in the country's future as the current challenges are temporary.

The Chinese foreign minister pledged that his country will continue its support and assistance to the Latin American country's reconstruction after a deadly earthquake hit its northern coast in April.

Among the international support, China's aid was the quickest and the largest, Wang said, adding that the two countries are strategic partners, good friends and good brothers.


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