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China expects a fair environment for investment

2016-10-30 02:18| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 26| 评论: 0|来自: Xinhua

摘要: China on Friday responded to a decision by the German government to review a planned Chinese acquisition of lighting manufacturer Osram's Ledvance unit. "The Chinese government, as always, encourages ...

China on Friday responded to a decision by the German government to review a planned Chinese acquisition of lighting manufacturer Osram's Ledvance unit.

"The Chinese government, as always, encourages Chinese companies to invest overseas in accordance with market rules, international regulations and local law. We hope we are treated fairly," said Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lu Kang at a regular press briefing.

According to a report by WirtschaftsWoche earlier this year, Osram had agreed to sell its general lighting business, Ledvance, to a consortium of Chinese buyers, including lighting company MLS, for more than 400 million euros.

Berlin initially refused to allow the deal to go through and will now review the matter. It could be months before there is clarity over whether the deal will go ahead, WirtschaftsWoche said.

Also this week, Berlin withdrew permission for a Chinese company to purchase semiconductor company Aixtron, after the United States raised security concerns, according to a German media report.

Lu said that if evaluations of normal investments are disrupted by third parties pursuing their own interests, it will run counter to China-Germany trade and investment cooperation.

"The German government intervention will have a negative effect on the country's economic image and investment environment," Lu said.


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