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Shenzhou-11 astronauts land safely

2016-11-19 02:14| 发布者: leedell| 查看: 54| 评论: 0|来自: Xinhua

摘要: Video snapshot shows the return capsule of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft touches down in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Nov. 18, 2016. (Photo/Video snapshot) Chinese astronauts of ...
Video snapshot shows the return capsule of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft touches down in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Nov. 18, 2016. (Photo/Video snapshot)

Video snapshot shows the return capsule of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft touches down in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on Nov. 18, 2016. (Photo/Video snapshot)

Chinese astronauts of the Shenzhou-11 space mission opened the return capsule's hatch and are reported by the ground team to be in good condition.

The return capsule of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft was spotted in the main landing area in north China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region at 2:07 p.m. Friday Beijing Time.

Related reading:

Parachute of Shenzhou-11 return capsule deployed

The main parachute of the return capsule of the Shenzhou-11 spacecraft was successfully deployed on Friday ahead of its landing.

Shenzhou-11 return capsule enters return orbit

The return capsule of Shenzhou-11 spacecraft has entered the return orbit after attitude adjustments, with the two Chinese astronauts onboard reporting that they are in good condition.

Destination earth: Shenzhou-11 astronauts to return

The spacecraft Shenzhou-11, which is carrying taikonauts Jing Haipeng and Chen Dong, separated from the orbiting Tiangong-2 space lab at 12:41 p.m. Thursday Beijing Time.

The separation marks the beginning of the journey home for the two men, after having lived and worked in Tiangong-2 for 30 days, the longest stay in space by Chinese astronauts. 


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