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Death toll from Pakistan floods tops 1,100

2010-8-2 01:30| 发布者: Bryan| 查看: 231| 评论: 0|来自: globaltimes.cn

The Pakistani Army has sent all available troops to carry out rescue and relief efforts in concert with civil administrations, an Inter-Services Public Relations spokesperson told the Global Times.

"So far, there haven't been any casualties reported among Pakistani soldiers," Major Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan said.

"Skardu is almost isolated. … We are running out of supplies," said Liu Xiaoying, a senior Chinese engineer who works at hydro-power projects in northern Pakistan. Skardu is one of the major tourism and expedition hubs in northern Pakistan.

"I heard that three Chinese workers were missing in the flood, and others have been evacuated to safe places," Liu told the Global Times.

China, which has been hit by severe flooding, announced a 10 million yuan ($1.5 million) donation to Pakistan, the Xinhua News Agency reported.

Washington said Sunday that the US is rushing helicopters, boats, bridges, water units and other supplies to flood-hit regions as part of an initial $10 million aid pledge.

Agencies - Global Times



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