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Sweden reopens WikiLeaks founder rape investigation

2010-9-2 02:46| 发布者: Bryan| 查看: 150| 评论: 0|来自: globaltimes.cn

Sweden's chief prosecutor said Wednesday that she was reopening a preliminary investigation into rape charges against WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange that a lower official had withdrawn two weeks ago.

Neither Assange, who has denied the charges, nor his lawyer could be immediately reached for comment.

WikiLeaks published more than 70,000 secret military files on Afghanistan in July in what US officials have called one of the biggest security breaches in US military history.

Assange has said he has been warned by Australian intelligence that he could face a campaign to discredit him after leaking the documents.

Chief Prosecutor Marianne Ny said the decision to reopen the probe was taken after further review of the case.

"There is reason to believe that a crime has been committed. Considering information available at present, my judgment is that the classification of the crime is rape," Ny said in a statement on the Prosecution Authority's website.

"More investigations are necessary before a final decision can be made," she added.



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