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Tokyo, Moscow lock horns in disputed islands standoff

2010-10-5 03:14| 发布者: Bryan| 查看: 389| 评论: 0|来自: globaltimes.cn


Fanning the flames of conflict between Moscow and Tokyo was Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara who summoned Russian Ambassador Mikhail Bely over Medvedev's remarks.

The ambassador was told that Russia's true intentions were "questionable" and that a visit to islands by Medvedev would "seriously hinder Japan-Russia relations."

Moscow was quick to fire back, saying that Tokyo's reaction was wholly unjustified and unreasonable.

Konstantin Kosachyov, chairman of the Russian State Duma's international affairs committee, regarded the statement by Japanese new foreign minister as "inappropriate and tough."

Tokyo's claim on the disputed status of the Kuril Islands may only drive the situation into a deadlock, he said.

Kosachyov said the Kuril Islands have been and will be an integral part of Russia, and therefore the president and its other citizens have every reason to visit these islands without the consent of any outside party, "including Japan."

Kosachyov said he is confident that Medvedev will visit the Kuril Islands as soon as the weather allows.

Kosachyov's view was echoed by Andrei Nesterenko, a spokesman for Russian foreign ministry, who said the Japanese comments on Medvedev's planned visit were "inappropriate and unacceptable."

"We consider it necessary to recall that these islands are a territory of the Russian Federation in accordance with international legal reality that emerged following the Second World War and enshrined in the UN Charter," said Nesterenko.

According to Russian daily Kommersant, the "renewed scandal" in Russian-Japanese relations indicated that the Southern Kurils issue was unlikely to be solved in the foreseeable future.


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