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Israel, Iran exchange rhetoric over Ahmadinejad's trip to Lebanon

2010-10-15 01:56| 发布者: Bryan| 查看: 184| 评论: 0|来自: globaltimes.cn

By Hao Zhou

The current Iranian regime is "extremely dangerous" because it goes against the entire international community, visiting Israeli Deputy Foreign Minister Daniel Ayalon said Thursday, while Iran still insists that it doesn't recognize Israel.

"The Iranian regime is now working against the UN charter, violating all in-ternational laws, and it is extremely dangerous," Ayalon told the Global Times. "It's dangerous not only for its illegal pursuit of nuclear capability but creating war and violence wherever it presents."

"Iran is not a dangerous country. All the people in the world know who is dangerous," said Mohammad Ali Ziaei, the spokesperson for the Iranian embassy in Beijing, referring to the attacks against an aid ship in Gaza by Israeli forces at the end of May.

Ahmadinejad came the closest he has ever been to his arch-foe Israel Thursday when he toured Lebanon's southern border region on the second day of a high-profile visit.

However, there weren't any reports coming out Thursday that the Iranian leader, according to his previous plan announced before he started his visit, had thrown a "symbolic" stone at an Israeli border point.

"Lebanon today, unfortunately, is not an independent country. It is under the control of Iran through Hezbollah," Ayalon said. "Ahmadinejad visiting Lebanon and (claiming he will) throw a stone toward Israel makes a mockery out of the sovereignty of Lebanon."

"Hezbollah is not serving Lebanese interests, but those of Iran, the same as to Hamas," Ayalon added, reiterating that the Iranian regime, rather than Iranian people, is "very dangerous."

"We don't recognize any country under the name of Israel," Ziaei told the Global Times Thursday, adding that he had no information about Ahmadinejad throwing a stone toward Israel.

Agencies contributed to this story


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