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Berlusconi faces another test with Italy referendums

2011-6-26 13:15| 发布者: Bryan| 查看: 302| 评论: 0|来自: globaltimes.cn

Italians began voting in four referendums Sunday that could strike a new blow against Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.

A central issue will be whether enough voters turn out to ensure the necessary quorum of 50 percent plus one vote. If they repeal existing laws by voting yes, the result will likely have repercussions on his fractious center-right coalition.

A quorum would be a setback to Berlusconi, because he has said he would not vote and some of his ministers have urged voters to boycott.

The referendum on nuclear power is the most emotive of the four, in the wake of the disaster at Japan's Fukushima reactor in March. Polls say most Italians are against nuclear energy, which they consider unsafe in a country prone to earthquakes. Berlusconi is a big proponent of nuclear power.

Another referendum would repeal the so-called legitimate impediment that allows ministers to skip trial hearings against them if they are on government business, which Berlusconi's critics say is for his personal benefit.

Two others concern the privatization of water utilities. The government says privatization is essential to finance better services. Opponents say it would just lead to higher prices.



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