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英语新闻(English News)

Desperate sperm banks lower the bar on donors' requirements
China's sperm banks have been facing an even more severe shortage of healthy sperm since the country's 30-year one-child policy was lifted at the beginning of this year. As a result, sperm banks have ...
2016-11-17 02:39
Baidu's autonomous vehicles set for public test
Baidu's autonomous vehicles set for public test
A driverless car, developed by internet giant Baidu Inc, on display at the Light of the Internet Exposition in Wuzhen, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday. The expo, part of the Third World Internet Confere ...
2016-11-17 02:39
Hidden books on Chinese subways met with mixed response
Hidden books on Chinese subways met with mixed response
This combo photo shows Chinese actor Huang Xiaoming (L) and actress Xu Jinglei join the campaign of "Books on the Underground". (Photo/Video snapshot) Lucky subway and taxi passengers in Beijing, ...
2016-11-17 02:39
First five female attack helicopter pilots for PLA Army ready for action
First five female attack helicopter pilots for PLA Army ready for action
Female attack helicopter pilots are in training. (Photo/81.cn) Five female attack helicopter pilots, the first batch of army's aviation corps, have independently completed tens of flight maneuvers ...
2016-11-17 02:39
Beijing to launch orange alert for heavy air pollution
Beijing Municipality will issue an orange alert for air pollution as a new round of smog looks set to linger. The orange alert, the second highest in the four-tier warning system, will be effective m ...
2016-11-17 02:39
Revision to streamline parole rules
Move is expected to prevent secret deals between judicial departments and convicts The top court has issued a revision to the regulation on seeking commutation of sentences and parole, specifying the ...
2016-11-17 02:39
China cautious on groundbreaking digital currency plan
China is accelerating research work into digital currency as the country hopes to use new techniques to digitize paper currency and make transactions more transparent and efficient. Since China float ...
2016-11-17 02:39
Alibaba denies rumors it contributed cash to U.S. election campaign
Chinese Internet giant the Alibaba Holding Group denied on Monday that the company made financial contributions to candidates in the recently-concluded U.S. presidential election, after rumors spread ...
2016-11-16 02:30
More LGBT plan to reveal sexuality
A growing number of gay men and lesbians on the Chinese mainland plan to come out within five years, according to a survey released by WorkForLGBT, a nonprofit business network that advocates for lesb ...
2016-11-16 02:30
Chinese manufacturers cash in after Trump's win
Presidential inauguration may drive further demand Chinese merchandise manufacturers have been flooded with orders following Republican Donald Trump's victory in the U.S. presidential election, accor ...
2016-11-16 02:30
Tougher steps taken as smog grips region again
Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei temporarily clear, but pollution is forecast to return through Friday The Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has entered its fifth round of heavy smog since the beginning of October, ...
2016-11-16 02:30
China's first aircraft carrier the Liaoning now 'combat ready'
China's first aircraft carrier the Liaoning now 'combat ready'
China's aircraft carrier begins training with new capacity China's first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning recently left its shipyard in Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province, to start a new training ...
2016-11-16 02:30
Growth shows recovery on track for 2016
The Chinese economy continued to show signs of steady recovery in October, and analysts said it is expected to remain stable in the fourth quarter, with the year's GDP growth set to exceed the minimum ...
2016-11-16 02:30
China fully prepared for local gov't debt risks
By floating an emergency plan for local government debt risks Monday, China has addressed an issue that has made headlines for years. The four-grade emergency plan, which could mean "fiscal re-balanc ...
2016-11-16 02:30
Can we grow potatoes on Mars?
In the Hollywood science fiction movie "The Martian," the astronaut stranded on the Red Planet lives on potatoes he grows there for more than 500 days while awaiting rescue. But will potatoes really ...
2016-11-15 02:20

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